Whatever He Wants

Free Whatever He Wants by Eve Vaughn

Book: Whatever He Wants by Eve Vaughn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eve Vaughn
have to do is sleep with you?”
believe we’ve already established that.” His words were formal, a jarring
contrast to his earlier tone.
kind of woman do you think I am?”
didn’t answer right away as he gave her a long accessing look. “You’re a woman
of many layers and I’d like to be the man to peel each of them away.”
they shouldn’t have, his words made her squirm in her seat. She bit the inside
of her cheek to hold back a whimper.
reached over her and opened his glove compartment. He pulled out a small white
rectangular card and handed it to her. “That’s my information with my
secretary’s number on the front. Should you decide to discuss this arrangement
in further detail, contact her and you’ll hear back from either me or my EA.”
can’t contact you directly?”
a busy man.”
see.” She didn’t really but it was getting harder to be so close to him and
keep a clear mind. It was as if she’d been dumped in the center of a bad
B-movie. Things like this didn’t happen in the real world and if they did not
to her. “Well it’s been nice James but I have to go now.”
placed his hand on her thigh to keep her immobile. “Give this some thought,
only met you tonight…I can’t just agree to this without at least getting to
know you better.”
eyes narrowed and he looked at her like he was inspecting a rare species of
insect. Noelle shifted uncomfortably in her seat under his piercing gaze.
stroked her bottom lip with her tongue. “I don’t follow.”
right. It’s a bit forward of me to ask something like this of you on such a
short acquaintance. Let’s go out on two dates. At the end of the second one
I’ll expect an answer. Yes or no.”
sane woman would tell him to go to hell. But she couldn’t deny the strong
connection she felt between them. “You’d take me out first?”
what you want isn’t it?”
you’re only taking me out on the condition of my becoming your lover?”
free to say no. Think about it.”
I will. Think about it, I mean.”
offered her a tight smile in response, releasing his grip on her thigh.
I uh, guess I’ll be going now. Good night.”
care, Noelle.”
time when she grabbed the handle to step out of the vehicle, he didn’t stop
her. After waving a quick good bye she slid out of the car and slammed the door
behind her. Too afraid to look behind her, she hurried inside her apartment
            Simone paced the living room with her
hands on her hips. “Are you listening to me? Noelle? Does this guy think he’s
Robert Redford in Indecent Proposal ?
Someone should inform him this is real life and not a movie. Call him up and
tell him hell no.”
            Noelle hugged her knees against her chest.
“You were the one who pushed me to go out with him in the first place. And the
time we’ve spent together was nice. He’s charming and I enjoy his company.”
            Simone stopped in her tracks and snorted.
“He comes off that way because he’s trying to get into your pants. So what if
he’s taken you out a couple times? That doesn’t mean squat if he expects you to
repay him with some ass when all is said and done.”
            “He’s been a perfect gentleman when we’ve
gone out.” Noelle didn’t bother mentioning how hot and heavy they’d gotten the
night they’d met at the gym. As agreed, James had taken her out twice. The
first time he surprised her with a limo ride around the city. As they

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