Friends Forever

Free Friends Forever by Titania Woods

Book: Friends Forever by Titania Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Titania Woods
isn’t it!’ She clutched the letter from her parents, eager to be alone so she could read it. But for now, it was enough to know that they were proud of her.
    â€˜Well, I think you deserve it, Opposite,’ Sooze went on. ‘But I bet some fairies, who shall remain anonymous, aren’t so pleased.’ Everyone laughed as Mariella and Lola scowled.
    â€˜We still have one more prize for the first year!’ called Mrs Lightwing. ‘The first-place winner is . . .’ she paused dramatically, scanning her students, ‘Bimi Bluebell, for her wonderful tapestry!’
    â€˜Oh!’ Bimi started, covering her mouth with her hands.

    â€˜Go on!’ said Twink, pushing her shoulder. She watched proudly as her friend flew to the platform, looking stunned and disbelieving as Mrs Lightwing handed her a shining star.
    â€˜It’s a real work of art, Bimi!’ said Miss Shimmery warmly. ‘With your permission, we’d like to hang it in the Great Branch permanently, for all of our future students to enjoy.’
    Bimi’s face blazed poppy-red. ‘I – yes, of course!’ she gasped. ‘But – but not just yet. It’s not finished.’
    â€˜Not finished?’ Miss Shimmery frowned. ‘But it’s perfect!’
    Bimi shook her head. ‘No, not yet. You see, I’ve shown the Great Wasp Wars, and – and now there’s more to the story. I need to add a bit at the end, showing Twink and Stripe.’
    Twink sat up straight, her pointed ears burning as she stared at Bimi. Emotion surged through her. She and Stripe, on a tapestry together for ever, for all of the Glitterwings students to see!
    Miss Shimmery smiled in understanding. ‘Yes, please do,’ she said. ‘And then we’ll be proud to have it on our wall.’
    The Branch cheered again as Bimi added her star to Twink’s and then sat down, her face on fire.
    â€˜Thanks,’ whispered Twink. She couldn’t say anything else, but she knew Bimi understood. Overhead, the two stars danced together, weaving silver trails.
    â€˜Don’t thank me ,’ said Bimi softly. ‘You’re the one who was brave enough to rescue Stripe, no matter what the rest of us said.’
    Twink nodded, unable to speak. She looked at the window, missing Stripe despite herself. Where was he tonight? Flying in the moonlight with his parents, perhaps, or maybe snuggled up safely in his home.
    Bimi squeezed her hand. ‘He’s thinking of you, too,’ she whispered.
    Twink smiled gratefully at her. And she knew with all her heart that it was true. No matter how old they got, or where their lives might take them . . . she and Stripe would be friends for ever.
    The End

    Bloomsbury Publishing, London, Berlin, New York and Sydney
    First published in Great Britain in 2008 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
    36 Soho Square, London, W1D 3QY
    Text copyright © Lee Weatherly 2008
    Illustrations copyright © Smiljana Coh 2008
    The moral rights of the author and illustrator have been asserted
    This electronic edition published in August 2010 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
    All rights reserved.
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    A CIP catalogue record of this book is available from the British Library
    ISBN 978 1 4088 1345 4
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