
Free Condemned by Barbara Huffert

Book: Condemned by Barbara Huffert Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Huffert
soft, just like the girl’s had been back
then. Every nerve in his body ignited at the feel of her tentative touch. He
wanted her more than he’d wanted anyone since that first time all those years
ago. So much it took all he had to let her set the pace even though he knew he
had to. After her confession of her fear of being thought a slut as she’d once
been called when she’d been intimate with someone at a drunken party in
college, Brett knew he had to let things progress at a rate comfortable for
    Tish pushed his shirt from his shoulders and spent time
exploring his chest. Her questioning glances went straight to his heart. She
was so sweet, so innocent, yet capable of driving him wild with just a few
simple touches. His cock was hard and hurting as it pressed against his zipper.
He felt about to burst and she hadn’t even touched him yet. He needed her to
and was ready to beg if necessary. When she leaned in to kiss his nipple she
ran her hand over his groin. He groaned, forcing himself to stay still.
    “Oh my,” she whispered, seemingly awed by what she felt.
“You’re so big.”
    Brett chuckled. “Thanks but I’m really about average.”
    “Don’t be so modest.” She squeezed more firmly and kissed
him again. “May I?” she asked timidly with her hand on his belt buckle.
    “Please do.” Brett was enthralled. She was about to free his
rock-hard cock but still so ladylike, so delicate. Just like his first love had
    “I’m sorry. Could you help me please?”
    “Of course,” Brett agreed instantly. Anything to feel her
slender fingers wrapped around his shaft. He freed his cock and waited expectantly.
Nothing happened. He forced the sexual haze in his mind to clear and focused on
Tish only to see a tear slip down her cheek. “What’s wrong? I won’t hurt you.”
    She sniffed. “I know you won’t. It’s not that.” She turned
her back on him and paced to the far side of the room.
    Brett felt his cock deflate. “Then what is it?” he asked,
tucking it back into his pants.
    “I’m sorry.” Another tear. “I do want you. Too much maybe.”
    “Huh?” He was confused. “Then what’s the problem? I won’t
rush you.”
    “I know. It’s just— As I said the other night. If I do this,
what will you think of me?”
    “That you’re a beautiful woman who wants to be intimate with
me.” He took a few steps toward her.
    “Thank you.” She smiled weakly as another tear fell. “You’re
so kind to me. And I’m so horrible to you.”
    “You’re not,” he insisted even as he felt the sexual
frustration return.
    “I am. I come in here, really wanting nothing more than to
visit and then I can’t keep my hands to myself. I start this and now I’m
stopping like some, some damn cock tease.”
    Brett slipped his arms around her, feeling suddenly very
protective. He’d had a few stops and starts with his first too. “You’re not a
tease. I understand.”
    “You do?” She held on tightly.
    “Of course. You had a bad experience that left a terrible
impression in your mind. But Tish, I’m not that man. I would never criticize
you for following your desires.”
    Her back started to shake as if she were crying. “You’re too
good to me. I love you, Brett.”
    “I love you too.” It slipped out before he realized what he
was saying. When her shaking grew stronger, he tightened his arms.
“Everything’s fine, Tish. Really it is.”
    “No, it isn’t,” she countered into his chest. “You’re
perfect and wonderful. So patient with me. I know you’d never say anything mean
if we had sex but I’m still scared. Part of me wants you so much. But another
part of me is convinced that it’s wrong for me to ever do that again with
anyone other than my husband.”
    Without pausing to think, Brett said, “Then marry me.”
    “What?” Tish leaned back to stare at him. “What did you just
    “I said marry me,” he repeated. “We’ll be good together.”
Even as he said

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