House of Dark Delights

Free House of Dark Delights by Louisa Burton

Book: House of Dark Delights by Louisa Burton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Louisa Burton
    Sandwich gave a skeptical grunt. “So you think she can be coaxed off the high ropes, do you? I wish you luck, my friend.”
    Gazing off at the silken couch in the corner, Lili said, “It looks as if Granby and Walpole have finished up with Emily Lawrence. I’d best go find out what’s expected of me during the mass.”
    Her pensive expression was not lost on Elle, who asked, “Are you nervous?”
    Lili looked as if she was going to deny it, but presently she smiled a little sheepishly and said, “A bit. I’ve no idea what’s to be done to me with all these lechers looking on, only that no one ever speaks of it. I’m no blushing maiden, God knows, but to make such a spectacle of it, and in such an irreverent way…”
    â€œAre you Catholic?” Elle asked.
    â€œNo, but I am not without spiritual inclinations, and I do harbor some deference for places of worship. A
I may be, but there are some things even one such as I am loath to do in God’s house.”
    â€œGrotte Cachée’s chapel has never even been consecrated, you know,” Elle said. “No mass has ever been celebrated there. It may look like a chapel, but I doubt very much that God takes any special interest in it.”
    â€œThank you for telling me.” Clasping Elle’s hand, Lili said, “How refreshing to meet someone like you in the midst of all this loose baggage. Will I see you at the banquet later?”
    â€œI regret that you will not.” A half-truth, more or less, since Elic would be there.
    Leaning close, Lili said with a smile, “You shan’t regret it on the morrow, when you’re the only lady in this place who can walk without wincing. I hope we can spend some time together tomorrow, then, before my departure.”
    â€œAs do I.”
    After Lili left, Elle, still cradling Darius, negotiated her way through the revelers toward Dashwood. He noticed her and turned to look, giving her a thorough but admirably discreet appraisal. She held his gaze, something no lady of refinement would ordinarily do—but then the protocol of polite society hardly seemed to apply to this particular gathering.
    Sandwich looked from Dashwood to Elle. With a knowing smile, he patted his friend on the shoulder, got up from the table, and left.
    Dashwood rose from his seat and bowed when she came up to him. “You must be Elic’s sister. Elle, is it?”
    â€œIt is indeed, sir.” She curtseyed, her gaze still locked with his. “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”
    Dashwood reached out to pet Darius, prompting her to clutch him to her chest. “He’s shy.”
    â€œAye, but you’re not.” The smile turned intimate, knowing.
    â€œIf I were, I would hardly be here,” she said.
    Gesturing her into the adjacent chair, he retook his seat, set a glass in front of her, and reached for a carafe of wine. “No, thank you,” she said, covering the glass with her hand.
    Too close now to Dashwood for comfort, Darius leapt from Elle’s lap and sat at her feet.
    â€œAre you enjoying our gay little saturnalia?” Dashwood asked.
    â€œTo be sure. But in truth, all this noise and activity is beginning to wear a bit. I thought I might seek out some quieter, more private place. I don’t suppose you would care to join me.”
    He chuckled as he sipped his gin. “Most ladies would flirt and tease for a bit, make it seem like the chap’s idea—even at such a gathering as this. Not one for the chase, are you?”
    â€œThe chase is so much pretense and posturing,” Elle said. “I much prefer the thrill of capture.”
    â€œWith capture comes possession,” he said softly, his dark gaze trained on hers.
    â€œOne would certainly hope so.” Lowering her voice, she said, “Come with me, Sir Francis. I know a place where we can be

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