Alice In Chains

Free Alice In Chains by Adriana Arden

Book: Alice In Chains by Adriana Arden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adriana Arden
mean, cunny. A lot of men like it.’ She looked round the debris of construction work. ‘If you tied me face down across that saw horse over there, then one of you could have me from the front while the other had me from behind both at the same time.’ Even as she spoke she knew she was orchestrating her own double rape, which was somehow appropriate for a masochist. And this way at least she wouldn’t have them lying on her.
    The pair were silent for a moment, weighing up her suggestion, then they grinned.
    They dragged her over to the horse and pushed her across it, so that her stomach rested on its crossbar. With odd lengths of rope and string they tied her wrists and ankles to the ends of the saw-horse legs, then found a piece of rusty chain which they looped around the crossbar and over her back, securing her firmly in place. Alice winced as the coarse ropes and rough metal links scraped and dug into her skin, but the pain seemed only transitory. Her nipples pulsed with blood as they hung under her hot, heavy breasts, her heart was thudding and her swollen pussy lips were slippery with lubrication. She was helpless, aroused and ready.
    The twins stepped back to admire their handiwork, savouring Alice’s naked and bound form. Dee rubbed his bulging crotch, then feverishly unbuttoned his flies and released a thick rod of pink flesh that sprang out stiffly, projecting beyond the bulge of his belly. Alice’s eyes widened in alarm and she hastily licked her lips. It looked painfully large.
    ‘Look, mine’s bigger than yours,’ he said, massaging it proudly.
    Dum pulled out his own cock, rubbing it into its fullest erection. ‘No, look. Mine’s bigger,’ he said.
    They stood side by side, each thrusting out his hips to try to make his penis stick out further.
    Not another dispute! Alice thought desperately. Anticipation was fast becoming urgent need. How quickly she became a hot shameless slut with so little persuasion. Aloud she said: ‘Please, Masters, it doesn’t matter. I … I think you’re both too big for me. You’ll split me open. Please let me go!’ And she tugged theatrically at her bonds, even as she secretly delighted in their confining strength.
    That caught their attention. They were advancing towards her when Dum said, ‘Wait! We need a stick or something. We’ve got to beat her before we have her. You’ve got to make them cry first or else they don’t do it properly. Everybody knows that. Isn’t that right, girl?’
    And Alice found herself saying: ‘Yes, Master. Hurt me, Master, make me cry, Master …’
    Dum found a couple of lengths of garden bamboo and, with their straining cocks bobbing stiffly in time with the swings of their canes, the pair laid about Alice’s bound body. Her bare back, outthrust bottom and spread thighs were inviting targets and they covered them in red stripes, making her flesh shiver and jump. Alice yelled and shrieked and blubbed. Tears ran down her cheeks as she writhed on her wooden mount and strained at her ropes.
    The sight of her abused body was so exciting that it brought a rapid end to the chastisement. Dee and Dum threw aside their bamboos and hunkered down over Alice, Dum positioning himself between her thighs while Dee knelt in front of her. Grasping her hair he jerked up her head. Her mouth gaped open ready …
    ‘What if she bites me?’ Dee wondered.
    Dum’s cocktip was pressed to Alice’s hot wet cleft, his eyes glazed with lust. ‘She won’t dare bite,’ he snapped.
    ‘I promise I won’t bite!’ Alice gasped, blinking away her tears.
    ‘But she might by accident,’ Dee protested. ‘And don’t you start before me,’ he warned his twin.
    ‘Put something in my mouth to hold it open,’ Alice sobbed desperately. ‘Just please hurry …’
    ‘What?’ Dee asked foolishly.
    ‘Hurry up!’ said Dum.
    Hell! Alice thought, do I have to arrange everything? ‘Get a short piece of that thick rope … yes, that bit. Now tie two knots in

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