love you,” and I drew further and further into myself.
    The driver was waiting for us and as he
started to make his way around the car Michael signaled to him that
he would get it and opened the passenger’s door for us.  My
mother helped me in and glided into the seat beside me.  My
father poured out his regrets one last time and thanked him again
for all his thoughtfulness.  Michael popped his head in and
wished my mother a goodnight and said how much he hoped that I
would feel better soon.
    He closed the door and the driver pulled
away.  I desperately wanted to look back but I knew Michael
would be standing there watching until the car was no longer in

Chapter 6
    “Elayna?” A few minutes ticked by,
    It was a long ride home as disheartened as I
was.  I was mentally and physically exhausted but wide awake
because I could not escape Michael’s pleas followed by the echo of
Brenda’s declaration “He doesn’t love you.”  By the time we
pulled up to our building my head was pounding and I was too worn
out to walk.  My dad picked me up and I clung to his neck as
he carried me inside.
    My mom helped me get ready for bed and gave
me a dose of medicine.  “This will help you rest and hopefully
bring your fever down.”  She brushed the hair back from my
forehead and kissed me goodnight.  My dad came and sat on the
edge of the bed for a few minutes.  He didn't say anything,
just gently stroked my cheek and before I knew it I started to
relax and drift off.
    I could still hear Michael calling to me but
it was not with the same intensity as before and he had changed his
appeal from Elayna to a simple Please.  He
sounded so defeated that I nearly relented and answered him but the
medicine must have been working because I couldn’t stop myself from
falling fast asleep.
    I rested soundly for an hour or two before I
started to dream and when I did I dreamt of Michael and
Brenda.  They seemed to be in an apartment in the city. 
I didn’t know if it was Michael’s or Brenda’s but I could tell it
was in the city because there was a large window that provided an
exceptional view of the lights.  As the dream unraveled I
realized that they were having an animated discussion about
    “I asked you to apologize to Elayna,”
Michael seemed collected though there was an agitated quality to
his voice. 
    “I did apologize,” Brenda answered honestly
but Michael sensed that she was withholding something and persisted
in his questioning.
    “How, exactly, did you apologize, what did
you say?”
    She seemed to be collecting her thoughts but
she could tell that Michael was growing impatient.  “Look
Michael, I’m sorry about what I said to you, I know you were just
trying to flatter the Davis’ by making an impression on their
daughter.  They are a novel little family and I can see that
you are genuinely attached to each of them.  I know there is
nothing unnatural about your feelings for Elayna and I’m sorry I
said as much.  I didn't realize you were going to have guests
and I was angry, maybe even a little jealous, of their claims
on your attention tonight.”
    Michael was listening but that was not the
explanation he was looking for.  When he didn’t say anything
she decided to continue her appeal. 
    “You may not realize it but that little girl
is quite captivated by you.  She is young and innocent and you
are going to break her heart when she realizes that you do not love
    Michael closed his eyes and took a deep
breath, “Is that what you did?  Did you tell her that I didn’t
love her?”
    “Michael, please, you sound ridiculous,” she
chuckled nervously.
    “Did you?  Did you tell Elayna that I
do not love her?”  His face lost all expression and Brenda
couldn’t tell whether or not he was angry and wondered how much it
was safe for her to confess.
    She took a deep breath, “I told her that she
only thinks that she is in love with you;

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