not upset her.
“He really is harmless. I left clothes on the bed for you. Go ahead and get dressed and come outside, I have breakfast cooking for us,” I say before leaving the room, closing the door behind me. Her morning wake-up call was a little unorthodox, and more than likely a little inappropriate considering the circumstances, but at least it broke up any awkwardness I thought there might be between us this morning.
I’m taking everything off the fire and pouring her a cup of coffee when she finally emerges from the camper. My clothes completely swallow her; she has to hold up the sweats with one of her hands to prevent them from falling off. I’ve never seen Jen so tattered. She’s a person who prides herself on her appearance, and right now she is a matted mess. Besides the ridiculously large clothes, her makeup is smeared across her face from crying and sleeping, a bruised cheek matches the smudged makeup, and her hair looks similar to a nest we may find on a hike later today. She would find her appearance unacceptable, but to be honest, I rather like it. It makes her human…imperfectly perfect.
Hendrix immediately perks up when he hears her, but she shoots him a crusty look. “I’m not speaking to you, Goliath,” she hisses. Henri whines and settles back down next to my chair.
“I’m glad you’ve been introduced to Hendrix, he goes by Henri for short.” That earns me the crusty look she had reserved for Henri. “Here, I made you a cup,” I say, handing her a mug filled with enough caffeine to kill a small horse. “Take a seat and I’ll make you some breakfast.”
She accepts the mug with her empty hand and slides into the nearest chair. “Thank you,” she says meekly with her eyes downcast, refusing to meet mine. The awkwardness I was worried about has invaded our campsite. She closes her eyes and takes a deep inhale of the coffee, letting the warmth of the steam filter around her cheeks. Bringing her knees up under her in the chair, she settles in and begins to stare into the hypnotizing flames of the campfire. I know her mind is everywhere except here, so I hastily fix her plate to provide a distraction from the thoughts overshadowing her.
“Eat up,” I tell her as I hand her a plate filled with fried eggs and bacon. “You’re going to need energy for what we are doing today,” I add, taking a seat in the chair across the fire from her.
She gives me a confused, suspicious look and then laughs, sitting up straight in her chair. “Look, I appreciate what you did for me and giving me the night to regroup, but I’m not going to spend the day doing some counseling session with you filled with outdoorsy activities. If I need a little cardio, I have a gym for that. If I need a group pity party, I have friends for that. All I need right now from you is a ride back to the Springs to get my car so I can drive home.”
I pretend to ignore her, taking a large bite of food, and throwing a piece of bacon to Henri. “No can do, Jen,” I tell her, focusing my attention on my dog and not her. “I have some things I need to do up here this weekend which you could help with. Besides, your phone has been blowing up since we left last night. I wouldn’t think you would be in any hurry to get back to be hit with a million questions.” I finally look at her as I shove another mouthful in and talk around the massive amount of food. “I figure, by you staying, you’re helping us both out.”
Jen sits quietly, contemplating my proposition and what is waiting for her back home. “Fine,” she relents. “But I need to call the girls and let them know where I am and that I’m okay. Fuck, I would never hear the end of it, or worse, they’ll show up here.”
“I took care of it,” I say, throwing another piece of bacon to Henri.
“What do you mean, you took care of it?” she asks. “Jesus, quit feeding that dog bacon, he’s already the size of a fucking elephant. I thought you weren’t