Crypto Code. But if I don’t we’re dead. Pretty easy choice,thought Robert.
A few key keystrokes and Robert was in the main database. He logged into the MI-ASS channel via WebLink and deleted the hacker process. Once deleted the plane jerked up and the Runaway train stopped on the screen. The kids in front looked disappointed. One child complained, "Ah Mom---I want Runaway Train, I want Runaway Train for Christmas!" The mother slapped the child. He cried but no one noticed.
Others were already crying.
Susan had safely made it to the toilet. She felt at home in the toilet. There remained a smell of tobacco from the last passenger and the fire alarm buzzed from the illicit smoke, but Susan did not care. For the first time in her life, she buckled herself onto the toilet for safety. She took 2 Valiums. She heard a humming sound from the water sensor behind the seat.
From an intercom the captain spoke. "Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize for the inconvenience, but Narita airport now has regained control of the aircraft. For security purposes and for your safety, all seatbelts have been locked to protect against terrorists. We will be landing in the next 10 minutes. Please remain calm."
The plane smoothly turned left and leveled. Inside the toilet Susan thanked God for not killing her. The hum in the toilet increased intensity. Water under her seat started a light spray. Susan went to unbuckle and get out. The water spray was increasing; it was hitting her buttocks.
The toilet seatbelt wouldn’t unlock.
Outside in the hallway Robert heard a loud flushing sound. He thought he heard Susan scream. Inside the toilet Susan had been douched with five gallons of sprayed water. The water sensor seemed OK now, but the sound picked up again. Susan guessed accurately that another five gallons were on their way. She was already completely soaked. Susan did the only thing she could. She cried and waited for the plane to land.
Chapter 5: Spooks
Date: February 10, 2021
Place: Earth, Eagle Air Force Base
Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
"Do not touch anything unnecessarily. Beware of pretty girls in dance halls and parks who may be spies, as well as bicycles, revolvers, uniforms, arms, dead horses, and men lying on roads -- they are not there accidentally."
- Soviet infantry manual, issued in the 1930's
EMMETT: Oh, uh will you hold my wallet while I take the test, please? There is a thousand dollars in there… or maybe there isn't. Know what I mean?
TEST MONITOR: Are you saying I can take this money if I help you pass the test? EMMETT: What do you think?
-Spies Like Us Movie (1985)
Joey Milano wanted an exciting job, not the same nine-to-five shit his father Nick Milano had done. Joey had no urge to machine parts for industrial gas turbine engines for twenty-five years at Boeing. His father had made enough to buy a three-bedroom home in rural Illinois, and there was always food on the table. Nick had a saying that stuck with Joey. With a leftover Italian accent Nick Milano would say:
"My son, get as much a schooling as ya can, and getta a good honest job—do something good! A white-collar job, like a doctor or an accountant—in Italia all I knew waz hard work in the factory. That’s a why I’m a doin’ it till I die. It’s hard, but it’s honest. But my son, in America you can make somethin’ of yerself. Capeesh?"
Joey’s father paid for the education at the University of Maryland. At graduation Nick Milano blew a fuse when he discovered Joey’s plan to join the National Security Agency.
"Son, what are they a putting in the water at school? Are you outta yo mind? Haven’t you watched any WebTV or read any books at school? Get a real job and not one nosin’ in other people’s business."
Joey had gotten the full course from the NSA recruiter. At the time he thought he knew better than his
Mary Crockett, Madelyn Rosenberg