Love, Lies & The D.A.

Free Love, Lies & The D.A. by Rebecca Rohman

Book: Love, Lies & The D.A. by Rebecca Rohman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Rohman
did that come from? Why’d he have to drop you home?”
lives down the road, so I walked. It’s just three houses down the street.
Anyway, they insisted he drop me off. Quite frankly, I was grateful. The
temperature had dropped drastically that night.”
    “So no
goodnight kiss?”
not!” I look at him, stunned by his question. “I said some rude things and he
took some low blows. By the time we got to the house, he insinuated I was a
rich bitch and I told him he was an asshole. So you see, the feelings are
he replies, looking at me curiously. “So where was his fiancée that night?”
said she turned down his proposal. Smart girl…”
so fascinating about that?”
one is she?” he asks, referring to the group at the table.
    “I don’t
think I see her here. Maybe that caused them to break up.”
    He laughs
holding out on me.”
    “No. I’m
a liar.”
not,” he laughs. “Dessert?”
I reply. “Excuse me. I need to use the ladies’ room. Order me something nice.”
thing…” He stands as I leave the table.
    In the
bathroom, I look into the mirror checking my outfit and making sure my makeup
is perfect. Suddenly, it crosses my mind that that asshole told the
police where I was. Is he out to get me like the rest of the SFPD? I bet he’s
dying to get me onto a stand so he can tear me apart.
return to the table. A massive piece of chocolate cake awaits me with a glass
of wine.
for dessert,” I say. “Do you think he was the one that told the police where I
was? Do you think he’s keeping tabs on me?”
you’re being paranoid. Prosecutors aren’t part of the investigative process… most
of the time. That’s the police’s job.”
he knew where I lived. The police knew exactly where to find me.”
the police could find out where you were in a hot second. Any email or cell
phone signal could give them an idea if not an exact location of where you
were. They don’t need him to do that.”
hope you’re right. Two weekends in a row? Don’t DA’s work their asses off
through the weekends?”
do. Some play it smart. Some delegate.”
yes—to the little people,” I reply sarcastically.
think you’re wrong about him. He likes you.”
would you get that crazy idea from?”
eyes followed your ass from this table to the bathroom and back again once you
left here.”
maybe he just likes ass. I doubt he finds anything remotely special about
that why he’s been looking over here all night?”
stop being ridiculous.”
know what?”
stare at him in silence.
think you like him too.”
    I feel
the heat rise up to my cheeks. “You’re wrong. Might I remind you that I was
supposed to be getting married tomorrow?”
does one have to do with the other?”
me alone,” I snap. “You think I’d hop into a relationship ten seconds after I
catch my ex and my best friend together?” I’m annoyed. “I may have ended things,
but that doesn’t mean that I’m ready for another relationship. Besides, if any
of that garbage were true, he wouldn’t dare risk his precious career on me. Not
that I care anyway.”
didn’t mean to upset you,” he says calmly.
not upset,” I murmur. “I’m probably just a little anxious with everything that’s
been going on. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
puts his hands over mine and squeezes tightly.
worry about it. You’ll make it through this. I’m always here for you. Remember
know. Thank you for being here and for extending your trip. It’s been a while
since we spent this much time together.”
do it again in a heartbeat.” He smiles.

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