The Last Gallon

Free The Last Gallon by William Belanger

Book: The Last Gallon by William Belanger Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Belanger
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense
girl for those of you who don’t follow the sport. Greta was 5’2” and built like a tank. She sported short brown hair and emerald green eyes. She was a real cutie. Miko was an Asian chick who looked like Lucy Liu. Nothing else really needed to be said there. Last was Sicily or Sissy as most of the girls called her. She was tall compared to most girls at around 5’9” and had long flowing red hair complete with freckles. She was like a baby doll. Kara couldn’t help but think that this was the cutest damn bunch of stone cold killers the world had possibly known.
    Cassie sat everybody down at a picnic table and explained the mission for the day. The girls had two primary objectives and several secondary. The main objective, as always, was to secure food. The second objective was to secure alcohol. A previous patrol had spotted a still out in the woods but had to give up pursuing it when they met with stiff resistance. The girls were to get some data on the operation and strike if it was vulnerable. They also had the option of barter but since they had already been fired upon once nobody really saw that as viable.
    The secondary objectives involved capturing servants, acquiring drugs, medicine, bandages, and pretty much any other useful supply. They were not to go out of their way for these items but if they stumbled upon them at any point in their journey they could pillage at will.
    The still was located at the quarry which was between the road the family came in on and the interstate they had abandoned. The girls were going to walk to their destination to increase the chance of finding any of their other objectives on the way.
    The girls walked down Erie Street in a diamond formation with their LMG in the middle. Sissy had the machine gun which was an RPK. Two of the other girls had AK-47s and the remaining two had AK-74s. Kara had one of the 5.45mm models but she was happy to have a round with a little more punch than the 9mm she had carried in with her.
    When they reached Juniata Street the girls headed north towards the quarry. This road would take them by an old school and a decent sized middle-class neighborhood. They would probably do a little searching around on their way back unless something jumped out at them on the walk up.
    Once they were outside of the protective bubble of their fortress’s outer perimeter the girls fanned out and stayed on the edge of the woods. Walking down the middle of the street was suicide even in a town where you are the queens. There was always someone who was bigger, badder, ready and more than willing to kill you, rob you or rape you. Sometimes all three, sometimes in that order.
    The girls missed the turn that would take them through the neighborhoods and ended up trudging through the forest instead. It was probably for the better as it was nice and quiet and they had less chance of being attacked out here simply because nobody ever really walked through the woods on purpose anymore.
    Kara took the peaceful time to gather some intel about the other girls and the organization as a whole. She had already learned that they were very military like which was quite surprising as most gangs were just groups of random assholes with no discipline whatsoever. That is why you were just as likely to find them raping as you would ambushing passersby. This group had tasks to perform every day and they did them with precision. If you ran into the school girls during your travels it wasn’t a coincidence. They were always out looking for people to violate in various ways for their gain.
    Kara still couldn’t figure out what they hell they had done with Cindy though. She figured they had pressed her into service as a slave of some sort as this was the most common action. Being all women she would probably be treated a little better than had she been abducted by a male gang. Kara knew there were still plenty of dangers for the poor girl though and would do anything to get her back to Mark and

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