
Free Toygasm by Jan Springer

Book: Toygasm by Jan Springer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Springer
    Comfortable is not the word I would use. Needy. Sexy.
Craving us as much as we are wanting her are better words.
    Okay. Okay, needy. We’ll get her needy with this next
shoot, I promise.
    Jode nodded. He could hardly wait!
    * * * * *
    Cammie was working on finishing her second cup of hot black
coffee in the kitchen when the two men descended the stairs. Despite not
wanting to, she tensed at their approaching footsteps. When they walked into
the room, her breath halted as she surveyed how truly wide their shoulders were
and how they towered over her. Suddenly the kitchen seemed much smaller and
much cozier with them in it.
    “So how did you sleep last night?” Josh asked as he pulled
out a chair at the table and sat down.
    Cammie just about gulped her coffee the wrong way at that
question. His gaze was intense as he studied her for an answer. Or maybe he was
looking for a reaction? Had they already noticed a couple of the toy packages
had been opened?
    Oh dear, she still hadn’t figured out a way to explain it.
    “Fine and you two?”
    “Great,” Josh and Jode said rather quickly. They both
reached for their coffees and began sipping at the same time.
    It was an odd experience seeing identical twins sitting at
her breakfast table. Kind of like seeing double.
    Double trouble , an inner voice reminded her. Keep
your mind on your job and you will be fine. Not.
    They’d both brushed their hair back off their foreheads
today and wore dark shadows of beard stubble on their faces, which gave them an
allure of danger and sexiness. The rush of blood pulsed through her just
knowing she would be working intimately with these two men again today.
    She could tell them apart now too without the need for them
to smile so she could see which side the dimples appeared in their cheeks. She’d
realized that Josh’s nose was a bit wider and longer than Jode’s nose. And Jode’s
chin had a bit of cleft in the middle, where Josh’s was less pronounced. They’d
dressed in jeans and black polo shirts that caressed their well-defined
muscles. Just looking at them made beautiful butterflies shiver in her lower
    “The bathroom is nice. Absolutely spot-on for the next
shoot. Did you decorate it yourself?” Jode asked.
    Cammie blinked in surprise and realized she’d been staring
at them. Heat fused into her cheeks.
    Cammie nodded. “I decorated the entire house.”
    “You have good taste,” Jode complimented her.
    Good taste in younger men too , that naughty inner
voice of hers whispered.
    “Thank you.” Her cheeks were getting hotter.
    Both men grinned.
    “You don’t seem to be used to compliments. You’re blushing,”
Josh said softly.
    Oh great! Floor, please part and take me away .
    “Would you like something with your coffee? Some fruit?
Croissants?” She lifted a bowl laden with fresh drizzled chocolate mini-croissants
nestled in an arrangement of fresh ripe strawberries and mango slices. She’d
picked everything up on the way back from her run from a neighboring bakery and
bed-and-breakfast a quarter mile up the lake road. It had been a bitch trying
to keep everything from getting too shaken as she’d run but the owner, Joyce,
had been kind enough to pack everything tightly in containers and thankfully
the fruit and croissants had survived with minimum damage.
    Both men nodded and eagerly grabbed one of each, placing
them in the plates she’d set.
    “You can have more. I have plenty,” she urged.
    Both men grinned and reached for more helpings.
    She wanted to see them devour food as they’d done last
night. It made her content to see them eat and to know she was supplying food
they enjoyed. She inhaled softly at those thoughts. Heavens, was she trying to
domesticate them already?
    Extreme happiness slipped into her as the men dug into their
    “Now that’s more like it.” She laughed.
    As they ate they discussed the weather, the men’s love of
playing golf and to her surprise, their shared

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