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Book: TornByLove by Marilyn Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Lee
lurked behind Nick’s cool, green gaze, she wasn’t certain she’d be able to rouse Nick’s passion. She knew she had Jake hot and bothered.
    Nick slipped a hand under her chin and lifted her head so he could gaze down into her eyes. “Stay with me, Kass.”
    She tingled at the touch of his fingers, but sat back in her chair until his hand fell away. “You’re a fine one to talk. You’ve been restless and edgy and haven’t had a date in months.”
    He shrugged. “You want me to admit I’m horny? Fine. I’m horny as hell, but we were discussing you. Not me. I say you should meet him.”

Primal Lusts Excerpt
    Long ago on the Desert Plains of Denhari—The Planet Aeolia
    The warm night was lit by the brilliance of a full Denhari silver moon, but the woman fleeing naked across the blue desert did not have time to admire the beauty of the evening. An equally naked, and fully aroused, vampire with glowing eyes and bared incisors pursued her.
    “Willoni! Come back to me! I command it!”
    Although she longed to turn and rush back into his arms and once again lose herself in his fiery passion, she dared not. The Singer who had won her devotion would return with the dawn and would expect to spend the remaining days and nights of the Immaculate Feast of Bliss and Conception with her. The Feast was the one time of the year when the Willoni, who served the Goddess Caldara, were allowed to indulge their passions. During the celebratory month, all but the most devout Willoni freely explored a wide range of sexual delights.
    Each Willoni, no matter how devoted to her duties at the temple or in the various towns of Denhari, looked forward to the month-long feast. It was a time of great passion, lust, and carnal pleasures when a Willoni, who had otherwise forsaken physical pleasure, took on as many lovers as she could satisfy.
    Before she met the Singer, three years earlier, The Feast had been a sad time. Mindful of the fact that she had incurred the wrath of the Goddess Caldara, she had spent most of the feast in prayerful mediation. Overcome by her sensual nature, she had only ventured out once a week to spend a night or two with multiple lovers. None of the males she’d taken had managed to make a lasting impression.
    Aside from her temple obligations, her life had been dull and unfulfilling. Her trouble began when the Eternal God of Passion, Heoptin, had fallen for her while she posed for the statue he called The Ebony Venus of Love. His attentions had been as unexpected as it had been unwelcome.
    As a minor priestess-in-waiting at the temple of Amisha, Goddess of Bliss, she served at the temple of Caldara to repay a favor her Goddess owned Caldara. Heoptin’s failure to conceal his interest had made her the target of Caldara’s fury. The Goddess received Amisha’s permission to have her assignment to the temple at Denhari made permanent. Then Caldara confined her to the temple grounds, forbidding her to see Heoptin.
    Longing for the freedom to indulge her passions as freely as her temple duties permitted that Amisha allowed her priestesses, she had been miserable. She had been on the point of fleeing home to appeal to Amisha to intervene when she met the Singer.
    He came as close as any man ever had to mastering her soul song during the last night of the feast with his forceful yet tender love–making. Returning to her duties had required her to summon her deepest devotion. She had then spent the next eleven months longing for the return of The Immaculate Feast of Bliss and Conception which would allow her to spend an entire month exploring the feelings and needs he’d aroused in her.
    She had happily spent the first week of the current Feast with the Singer, drowning in his tender passion that tore at her heart and nearly branded it as his alone. When his duties as Elder Singer had called him away, she had spent the second week with a succession of lovers. More than one night had found her lying on the blue

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