sands with two or more lovers who satisfied her physical needs, but left her emotionally longing for her Singer.
That had changed at the beginning of the third week when boredom drove her from the temple to wander across the sands naked. As she stood looking up at the full moon, praying that her Singer would return before the feast ended, she felt a sensual fire flare in her belly.
Turning, she had seen him , naked and aroused, crossing the sands toward her. She immediately recognized him as the priest who had fashioned her image for Heoptin’s pleasure. While she had stood naked in the desert, night after night, he had shown no interest in her, but now his desire for her was so potent and powerful, it had reached out to her, setting her entire body aflame. Abandoning thoughts of the Singer, she rushed toward the approaching male whose lust drew her to him.
When she reached him, she flung herself at him.
He caught her, swept her off her feet, and swiftly lowered her to the sands before he knelt between her trembling thighs.
Noting the thick length protruding in front of his big, muscular body, hunger consumed her. She reached out to stroke her hands over his thighs.
Gripping himself at the base of his length, he rubbed the big, hard tip of his shaft along her slit.
With her channel flooding, she thrust her hips off the sands, hungry to feel him pushing deep inside her.
He pushed his head against her clit.
She gasped, digging her fingers into his hips.
Staring down into her eyes, with one lustful movement, he thrust the thickest cock she’d ever had deep into her body.
A sob of pleasure-pain was forced from her lips and carried by the warm desert breeze, echoed across the sands.
He stretched out on top of her, settling between her thighs, his chest crushing her breasts. His cool, firm lips nibbled at her neck.
The feelings he engendered shocked her. The Singer had mastered her soul song and deserved her ultimate fidelity. Yet her hunger and need for this vampire could not be denied or swept aside. She had to give herself to him. Surrendering to her desire, she clutched him close, draping her legs around his big body.
Stretching and filling her with his hard warmth, he gently bit into her neck and slid his long, hard, thickness in and out of her with a greedy delight that overwhelmed her senses.
Buffeted by a feverish passion she had never experienced, she came quickly and often, unable to recover from one scorching orgasm before another blazed through her. He took her again and again, feasting on her blood and her pussy with a hunger that branded the taste of his lips on hers, and created a hunger for his cock she couldn’t fully satisfy or deny. Even after an eternity, she knew she would still long for him as deeply as she did during this first glorious night together.
They had spent that entire third week of the feast alone together in the desert, discovering new ways to satisfy their passions and hungers for each other. At the end of that week, as they lay on the soft blue sands, after a particularly hot mating that had seen them both come multiple times, a junior singer from the temple had called out to her.
“Priestess, may I approach?”
Lying on her side, still impaled on the vampire’s huge, addictive shaft, she had lazily lifted her head and looked over his shoulder. She noted a tall, slender singer who served in the temple of Heoptin at Denhari, approaching. “You may approach, Singer,” she said.
He stopped very close, his eyes downcast. “I bring a message from my master, the Singer. He will return tomorrow and will want to take you to the Temple of Heoptin at the Rock Cannons on Persia to spend the remaining days of the feast there. He asks that you spend tonight in the baths, undergoing ritual cleansing so that when he mates with you, there will be no seed from other lovers remaining inside you, Priestess. He will arrive at dawn and requests that you be cleansed and ready to accompany
Stella Price, Audra Price, S.A. Price, Audra