Mrs. Jones: Book One (The Jones Series #1)

Free Mrs. Jones: Book One (The Jones Series #1) by B.M. Hardin

Book: Mrs. Jones: Book One (The Jones Series #1) by B.M. Hardin Read Free Book Online
Authors: B.M. Hardin
Shante away from me. To this day, if she called me, he would go into a fit.
    I couldn’t believe that I’d done such a thing, to my own flesh and blood. But that was definitely one of those things in life that you force yourself to forget.
    And until that very moment, I had.
    “Niveah?” Santana called out to me.
    “Nothing; I wouldn’t change a thing,” I responded to him.
    I woke up to what sounded like whimpering.
    “Santana?” I called.
    The toilet flushed and my husband appeared in the bathroom door way.
    “What’s wrong baby?” Santana asked walking over to me.
    “I was just about to ask you the same thing,” I said staring at him.
    His face and eyes looked just fine.
    Maybe I was just hearing things.
    “Nothing,” I said.
    “Your phone has been ringing all morning. It was that J guy; the one with the business proposal for your business. Every time I answered, the call was disconnected. Maybe you should call him back and see what’s going on; if you’re feeling up to it. I’ll go make you breakfast in bed. With only two weeks left, there’s no way I’m leaving your side. I told the fellas that they were on their own for about two months.
    Santana exited our bedroom, and I hurriedly called Joey.
    We spoke briefly. He was only calling to see if I’d gone into labor or had the baby. He stated that he at least wanted to see a picture of her when she arrived, if that wasn’t too much to ask.
    It wasn’t. After all, he was giving me the chance to make my marriage work, and for that I was more than thankful.
    After hanging up with Joey, I saw that my parents and both of my siblings had called. I was definitely surprised that my sister and even my brother had called, so I called my parents to make sure everything was okay.
    “Hey Mama, is everything okay?”
    My Mama, Mrs. Savannah Knox, had always been my role model. She was strong minded, opinionated, smart and beautiful. She’d always been so strict on us; stating that she wanted more for us, than she’d had. But none of us lived up to her expectations. My brother Antonio had been in and out of jail for making some of the stupidest mistakes. He hadn’t made it to college, and my sister had chosen to marry instead of an education. I’d actually gone just to please Mama, but I hadn’t done a thing with my degree. But she’d like the fact that I’d married men that were financially stable. She’d always made the comment that at least if I wasn’t going to make my own money, I had enough sense to marry someone with enough of it. It never made much sense to me though. I’d never known Mama to have a real job, but she’d made it clear that it wasn’t by choice. It was only because Daddy wanted her place to be at home. It was clear that she hated it, but she did it to please him, and I guess pleasing him was more important than pleasing herself. I’d always said that I wouldn’t become her, but in reality, I had---in a way.
    “I’m planning a surprise birthday party for you father in a few weeks. Do you think that you’ll be able to make it? Do you think my grandbaby will be here by then?” Mama asked.
    Daddy’s birthday was about a month away. If this baby hadn’t come by then, I would go in my vagina, and pull her out myself. Though I wasn’t too sure taking her on a road trip was the best idea so soon.
    “She should be here by then Mama, but I don’t know if driving her for that long period of time would be such a good idea. I’ll have to see. So, I guess that means you guys won’t be coming up for the birth?” I pouted.
    I hadn’t seen my parents since the wedding and I missed them.
    “I want to but I’m not sure. You know your father hasn’t been feeling his best lately, which is part of the reason why I wanted to do something special for him for his birthday this year,” Mama said.
    Daddy had cancer. The doctor’s had told him that he only had six months when he was diagnosed; but he has lived six years and

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