The Heart of Tomorrow (Book Two) (The Tomorrow Series 2)

Free The Heart of Tomorrow (Book Two) (The Tomorrow Series 2) by Megan Nugen Isbell

Book: The Heart of Tomorrow (Book Two) (The Tomorrow Series 2) by Megan Nugen Isbell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Megan Nugen Isbell
to his and then turning swiftly, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me to him.  His mouth was on mine a moment later and then I was against the wall, his lips moving from my mouth to my neck as his hands made their way under my shirt.  They were warm against my skin and I closed my eyes as he moved over my body, loving the freedom we’d lacked while at his parents’ house. 
    “I’ve missed touching you like this whenever I wanted,” he moaned. “We’re never leaving the city again.  We’re never leaving this apartment again.”
    I started laughing as his lips continued to possess me and then he pulled back abruptly, eyeing me hungrily.
    “You think this is funny?” A taunting smirk spread over his face and then his eyebrow cocked. “You think I’m kidding, Miss Vasser?”
    “You plan to keep me here against my will?”
    “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.”
    He scooped me up suddenly, one hand under my arm and the other under my knees and we were then moving swiftly across the apartment until we were in the bedroom. I was sprawled on the bed as he stood above me, quickly undoing his belt, his pants dropping to the floor before he reached for my jeans, extracting me from them expertly.  Both of us were too eager for foreplay.  There was a time for that.  Now was not that time. 
    His weight was nearly crushing as he climbed on top of me and I was lost in him instantly.  I loved how he could take me out of my body to places I didn’t know existed and when I opened my eyes, I could tell he was just as lost as I was.  It didn’t take long before we’d both reached that place we’d been searching for and he collapsed onto me.  For some reason, I found it incredibly arousing that we both still had our shirts on.  He obviously didn’t because he reached up, pulling his off and then doing the same to mine.
    “I want to feel you,” he whispered as he pulled the covers back, encouraging me to climb in.  I rested my head on his chest and he tickled my arms with his fingertips as our breathing started to calm as he kissed the top of my head, breathing in deeply. “You always smell so damn good.  It drives me crazy, Natalie.”
    “That’s my goal, Drew.”
    “Mission accomplished then, baby,” he said and I laughed. It was quiet again as I focused on the beating of his heart and I was glad he’d finally been able to follow through on his threat the night of his mother’s birthday party when we’d been making out in the hallway like a couple of horny teenagers.
    “What are your final thoughts on Connecticut?” he asked as we laid there.
    “I liked getting to know your family.”
    “I’m glad they didn’t scare you away.”
    He chuckled and I laughed too.
    “Kayla saved you.”
    “Oh yeah?”
    “I like her.”
    “Breakfast went well then?”
    “Yes, it did,” I said and then propped myself up, turning so I was facing him.  I stroked the smooth skin of his chest.  I could tell he liked the way I touched him by the way his muscles twitched beneath my fingers. “Kayla’s sweet.  She loves you, Drew.” I paused, drawing my gaze from his chest to his green eyes. “ I love you, Drew.” I felt my face soften as I looked at his.  He had the most beautiful face I’d ever seen.  Strong.  Powerful.  Perfect.  And yet, as I looked at him now, thinking back to what Kayla had said, I saw vulnerability in his eyes.  He had perfected the ability to mask it, to seem untouchable, but as I’d grown closer to him, truly gotten to know Andrew Saben, I could see it was there.
    “What is it, babe?” He reached up, pushing a piece of my auburn hair behind my ear. “You look troubled.”
    “Not troubled.”
    “Why are you looking at me like that then?”
    “I guess I’m still trying to figure you out.”
    “I’m not a complicated man, Natalie.  I thought you knew that by now.” His face curled into a lighthearted smile, but I didn’t return it.
    “You’re actually the most

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