The Quilter's Daughter

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Book: The Quilter's Daughter by Wanda E. Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter
help wake me up.”
    “Didn’t you sleep well last night?”
    Abby set her sewing aside and shook her head. “I had a bad dream and couldn’t get back to sleep when it woke me.”
    “Sorry to hear that. Some dreams can make you feel pretty rung out.”
    “Jah.” Abby was tempted to reveal the details of her reoccurring dream, but she didn’t want to bother her stepsister with it. Naomi had enough to deal with, having so much work to do at the store and another boppli coming in a few months.
    “Should we go to lunch now?” Naomi asked.
    “Jah, sure.”
    “We shouldn’t be too long,” Naomi said when Caleb took her place behind the counter.
    He gave her arm a squeeze. “No problem; take your time.”
    Abby and Naomi were preparing to leave the store when the door swung open. A handsome Amish man, his wavy blond hair peeking out from under his straw hat, stepped intothe store carrying a small suitcase.
    Abby’s mouth dropped open. “Lester! What are you doing here?”
    “Came to see you.”
    When he gave her a lopsided grin and reached for her hand, the faint smell of peppermint tickled her nose. She spied two pieces of candy sticking out of his shirt pocket. “I—I had no idea you were coming.” She stared up at him in disbelief.
    “Wanted it to be a surprise.”
    “And what a surprise it is. Jah, for certain sure.” Then, remembering her manners, Abby introduced Lester to Naomi and Caleb.
    “It’s nice to meet you, Lester,” Naomi said. “We’ve heard a lot about you.”
    Caleb’s head bobbed up and down. “Jah, Abby’s mentioned you plenty of times.”
    Abby felt the heat of a blush, but she couldn’t deny it. She had missed Lester so much and often talked about the fun things they’d done during their courtship. She and Naomi had also discussed her upcoming wedding and how the Fisher family planned to go to Ohio to witness the ceremony in November.
    “Abby and I were about to head out for some lunch,” Naomi commented. “But now that Lester’s here, I think it should be him and Abby going instead of me.”
    “Maybe you and Caleb can join us,” Lester suggested.
    Caleb nodded toward the back of the store. “Our little girl is sleepin’ in the other room, so I’d better stay put. My wife can go with you, though.”
    Naomi shook her head. “I’ll stay here, and Caleb and I can eat the lunch I packed this morning.”
    Abby hesitated. “Are you sure you don’t mind?”
    “Not at all. I’ll keep an eye on the quilt shop while you’re gone.”
    Lester pushed his suitcase off to one side, opened the front door, then motioned for Abby to step out first.
    “No need to hurry back,” Naomi called.
    A short time later, Abby and Lester sat at a corner table in the cozy restaurant down the street. Abby still couldn’t believe he was here, and she just sat there staring at him.
    He stared back, looking pleased as a child with a new toy.
    “How long are you here for, and how’d you manage to get away from the blacksmith shop to make this trip?” she asked, pulling her gaze from his handsome face to glance at the menu lying before her.
    “Probably be here a couple of days. I hired on another man a few weeks ago, so I’m sure my two helpers can handle things while I’m gone.”
    Abby still couldn’t believe he’d come all this way just to spend a few days with her.
    “I’ve missed you, Abby.” Lester’s voice had a soft quality about it, yet he spoke with assurance, and it gladdened her heart.
    “I’ve missed you, too.” She smiled. “How are things in Holmes County these days?”
    “Fine. Mom sends her love and said to tell you everything’s goin’ great at the quilt shop.”
    “I’m pleased to hear it. How are Lena and Harold?”
    “Last I heard, Lena was feelin’ some better, but Harold still insists she stay home and not work too hard.” Lester’s eyebrows suddenly drew together, a stark contrast from his usual smiling face. “I wish I could speed

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