The Quilter's Daughter

Free The Quilter's Daughter by Wanda E. Brunstetter

Book: The Quilter's Daughter by Wanda E. Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E. Brunstetter
    “Not necessarily, but if I try workin’ there after Naomi has her baby, it might give me a better idea of what I want to be doing.”
    “ Humph ! You sure this change of attitude doesn’t have more to do with some pretty face than it does with you not wantin’ to farm?”
    Matthew’s ears turned pink, and he stared at the ground. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
    “Who, not what,” Abraham corrected.
    Matthew made no reply, just stood there making little swirls in the dirt with the toe of his boot.
    “I’ve seen the way you look at Abby when you think no one’s watchin’. You wouldn’t have a crush on her now, would ya, son?”
    “ ’Course not. She’s betrothed to some fellow in Ohio.”Matthew slapped his hat back on his head. “Guess I’d best get the other mule out, or we’ll be late gettin’ out to the fields.”
    “Where are Jake and Norman? How come they’re not here helpin’?” Abraham asked.
    “Norman hasn’t shown up yet, and Jake had to drive Mary Ann and Samuel to school because they spent so much time arguing this morning, it made them late.”
    Matthew disappeared into the barn, and Abraham frowned. Guess I’ll need to have a little talk with my two youngest tonight.
    A buggy rolled into the yard, drawing Abraham’s attention aside. He smiled and waved when he realized it was his good friend, Jacob Weaver.
    “What are you doin’ out so early?” he asked as Jacob stepped down from his buggy.
    “I’m on my way to the buggy shop to see if the new rig I ordered has been finished yet.”
    The mention of the buggy shop sent Abraham’s mind whizzing back to the past. It had been a sad day when Caleb had to give up buggy making because of his injury. His two younger brothers were running the place now, having become quite capable under Caleb’s tutelage. Caleb seemed content to run the general store, which he had purchased from Abraham. He could do most things there with only one good hand, and the change of occupations had allowed him to marry Abraham’s daughter. Everything had worked out for the best. At least that’s the way Abraham saw it.
    “Looks like you’re headin’ to the fields,” Jacob said.
    “Jah. Just waitin’ for Matthew to bring the other mule out.”
    As if on cue, Matthew showed up, leading Bossy, their most headstrong mule. “Had a hard time gettin’ her out of the stall,” he complained. “I think she had her mind set on stayin’ in the barn today.”
    Jacob chuckled. “Always did prefer working with horses.”
    “Horses can be a mite stubborn, too,” Abraham put in. “Fact is, I’ve had some that were just plain mehne .”
    “Jah. I’ve encountered a couple of mean ones over the years,” his friend agreed.
    “Papa, if you and Jacob want to jaw awhile, I’ll head out tothe fields with these two.” Matthew nodded at Bossy and Barney.
    “Sure you don’t mind?” Truthfully, Abraham did want the chance to speak with Jacob a few minutes. His friend was always full of good advice, and if anyone could get Abraham thinking straight or help strengthen his faith, it was Jacob.
    “Naw. We’ll be fine, and Norman and Jake should be along shortly.” Matthew grabbed hold of the mules’ bridles and led them away.
    “Want to sit a spell?” Abraham motioned to a couple of old barrels sitting near the barn.
    Jacob nodded. “Jah, sounds good.”
    Once they were seated, Abraham decided to share his concerns about Fannie. “I’m glad you stopped by, Jacob, because I need to talk.”
    “Figured as much.” Jacob grinned. “Felt a little nudge from the Lord as I was passing by your place this morning. Thought I should drop over and see how things are with you.”
    “Things are fine with me. It’s Fannie I’m worried about.”
    Jacob’s bushy eyebrows lifted. “What’s the trouble?”
    Abraham related his concerns about Fannie’s pregnancy, and ended it by saying, “I want to believe God will bring her through

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