Stone Destiny (Stone Passion #3)

Free Stone Destiny (Stone Passion #3) by A.C. Warneke

Book: Stone Destiny (Stone Passion #3) by A.C. Warneke Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.C. Warneke
presenting the flesh as an offering to her beloved.
    Reverently, he reached out and she saw that his hand trembled as well. Ever so lightly he traced the curve of her breast before cupping it in his warm palm. She held her breath as she watched the hunger burnish his cheeks, as he took a ragged breath. He slowly pushed the strap off her shoulder, pulled the cup away from her breast, baring her to his gaze.
    He raised his head and green flames devoured her soul. “I shouldn’t be doing this.”
    She covered his hand with her own, holding his hand against her breast, knowing he could feel her heart fluttering madly. Moistening her lips with the tip of her tongue, she whispered, “Don’t stop.”
    His eyes closed and he inhaled deeply but he did not remove his hand. She could see the battle raging on his face, his usual impenetrable mask gone as he waged an internal war. Capturing her lower lip between her teeth, knowing there was no turning back, she tugged at the knot that held the material around his waist together. The soft cotton came undone and she pushed the robe off of his broad shoulders, watching his face as the material fluttered to the floor. He stood before her in all of his naked glory and her belly quivered in anticipation. She could barely catch her breath as her heart thudded rapidly in her chest.
    Her teeth sank deeper into her lip as his erection stretched towards her, dark with blood that raged just beneath the surface. It was long and thick, wrapped in heavy veins with a plum-shaped head that leaked a clear fluid. With a shaking hand, she reached out and traced the lines of one of the veins along its long length, making his penis twitch. The skin was hotter than melted steel, the flesh was hard as iron, but the skin… the skin itself was like nothing she had ever felt. It was so soft and perfect. He was huge and she knew it was going to hurt to take him into her body but he was what she wanted, what she had always wanted. He was magnificent and she would bear any pain to be one with him.
    He sucked in a shuddering breath as she ran her hand along the length of his erection and she froze, her gaze flying to his face, to his eyes that were half-shuttered but still burned into her soul. Color was splattered across the harsh planes of his face and he no longer held any trace of coldness for which he was famous. “Ferris, you don’t know what you’re doing.”
    Holding his eyes, slowly sliding her hand up and down, pumping his penis in a slow, deliberate rhythm, she purred, “I know exactly what I’m doing, Armand. I want this. I want you .”
    He groaned a heartbeat before claiming her lips in another scorching kiss, his hands tearing her fragile bra from her body. Her soft curves were pressed against his unyielding flesh and flames kissed her skin, sinking deeper and deeper until her body was on fire. The soft denim of her shorts rasped against her skin and she needed to be naked, to feel the length of his body all along hers.
    In desperation, she started tugging at the fastening of her shorts, fighting with the snap until Armand’s strong fingers simply jerked the zipper down, tearing the denim until the material fell to the ground and landed next to his discarded robe. Broad fingers delved into her lacy panties and pressed against the damp and swollen folds of her sex, the touch both foreign and exhilarating. Instinctively, her legs parted and he pressed a finger deeper, touching the unbroken skin of her virginity.
    He pulled back and looked at her, his breathing harsh and rapid, “There’s no turning back.”
    “I know,” she whispered, thrusting her hips forward and rubbing her clit against his finger. She closed her eyes as exquisite pleasure burst forth from the light touch. His hand moved and the panties were torn from her body and she was blissfully, unapologetically naked. Closing the breath of distance between, she flattened her body against his, letting every inch of her skin absorb the

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