The Battle of Jericho

Free The Battle of Jericho by Sharon M. Draper

Book: The Battle of Jericho by Sharon M. Draper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon M. Draper
others and said the words as well.
    â€œNumber Five. A Warrior of Distinction celebrates obedience,” Rick said clearly.
    â€œA Warrior of Distinction celebrates obedience,” the pledges replied obediently.
    Madison said to them, “Stand, young Warriors. The road ahead will be difficult, but the rewards are great.” Jericho, surprised at this sudden, secret confirmation of their membership, stood with the rest of the new pledges and stretched with pride. He hoped they would never be called upon to actually live up to all the words they had just said.
    â€œAre you ready for the challenges ahead?” Eddie shouted.
    â€œReady!” they roared back at him.
    â€œAre there any questions?” Madison asked.
    A single hand went up. It belonged to the last person to arrive at the meeting.
    â€œYes, young Warrior, what do you need? We are here for you.”
    Dana took off her skull cap and said clearly, “I’m ready for the challenge. Are you ready for me?”

    STUNNED SILENCE GREETED DANA’S SHOCKING revelation. The anger followed immediately. The Warriors closed in around her. Dana seemed calm and unconcerned.
    â€œWhat’s up with this? You tryin’ to make some kinda point?” Eddie said in a low, dangerous voice, his face just inches from hers.
    â€œI think I just did,” she answered.
    â€œHow’d you get in here?” he demanded.
    â€œThe door, just like you did,” she answered coolly.
    â€œDon’t you know these ceremonies are private and just for men?” he yelled.
    â€œI don’t see any men here—just a few high school boys.”
    â€œYou don’t belong here!”
    â€œI don’t see your name on the door!”
    â€œYou playing some kind of espionage game?”
    â€œI never play games.”
    â€œWho put you up to this?”
    â€œYour mama.”
    Dana never lost her composure, in spite of what looked like an angry pack of wolves growling at her.
    â€œYou have no right to interrupt what is secret and private!”
    â€œI didn’t interrupt. I participated. I took the pledge with everyone else. If they are now pledges,” she said, pointing to the astounded Jericho and Josh and the others, “then so am I.”
    â€œThat’s impossible! There has never been a female member of the Warriors of Distinction!” Rick shouted.
    â€œThen it’s time, isn’t it?” Dana brushed a speck off her black leather jeans.
    â€œYou just better get out of here while you still can!” warned Eddie, a fierce sneer on his face.
    â€œOr what?” Dana asked with a calm composure that amazed Jericho.
    â€œOr I can’t be responsible for what might happen. You’re out in the middle of the night in a warehouse full of men.” He paused, then added, “Might get dangerous.”
    Dana remained impassive. “I just pledged with my brothers that I am bonded to them, and that each of us holds the responsibility for the other. ’All of us or none of us!’ Does that have meaning or not?”
    The Warriors looked confused now, as well as angry. “It applies to them, but not to you!” Madison finally said.
    â€œBecause you were never asked to be a member!” Rick said triumphantly.
    â€œOh, but I was!” Dana replied. Jericho marveled at her nerve.
    â€œHow?” Rick demanded.
    â€œYou called me,” she replied with a slight smile.
    â€œI know exactly who I called,” Rick replied angrily. “And I sure as hell didn’t call any stupid girl!” He looked around at the other members of the club as if to make sure they believed him.
    â€œI can’t believe you didn’t check your attendance before you started pledging,” Dana said with a smirk. “Where is Demetrius Stanford?”
    No one spoke. Rick frantically checked a sheet of paper. “Demetrius?” he

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