The Darkness of Glengowyn

Free The Darkness of Glengowyn by Isabo Kelly

Book: The Darkness of Glengowyn by Isabo Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabo Kelly
Tags: Fantasy
into the mattress above her head to keep from reaching for him. The play of his lips and tongue, working her skin, circling and sucking her clit while she was unable to touch him forced her full focus on his attentions.
    Every part of her drew down to a tight center, aided by the brush of cool air over her puckered nipples, the tight grip of his fingers on her ass as he lifted her hips to better his access. She was completely open to him, at his mercy, and knowing he wanted her there drove her past restraint.
    She came against his mouth, her hips bucking, her body jerking out of her control. When he continued to lick her, she did cry out, too sensitive to remain quiet.
    With the Shaerta , her body felt like an exposed nerve. She was overly sensitive and afraid she couldn’t take much more. Yet she did. He forced her into another, almost painful climax, this one deep and resonant.
    He didn’t give her time to come down from her orgasm before he replaced his mouth with his cock, rubbing the tip of his erection through her folds, teasing, taunting. He stared at the place where their bodies came together, and she followed his gaze, unable to look away as he held himself at her entrance without actually sliding in. She wanted to beg, plead for more, but she couldn’t find her voice.
    His expression and focus were fierce, and all for her. That more than anything allowed her to take his torture. But she couldn’t stop her hips from jerking in a vain attempt to force him closer.
    When he finally pressed the heavy, thick tip of his erection just inside her, she jerked again. He looked up, his eyes dark as he held her gaze.
    “Mine,” he growled, his voice a harsh pant.
    “Yes,” she answered, though only a hint of sound got through her clenched teeth.
    He eased inside her another inch. The slow entrance kept all her attention on her own body and what he was doing to her. She couldn’t get away, couldn’t distract herself with any other sensations. He forced her to feel each inch of his cock, the stretch of her passage, the friction of his velvet-hard skin pushing deeper. Never had she been so aware of every jump and sizzle of her nerves, every brush of air, each pulse of her heartbeat. So that when he finally filled her fully, she was almost ready to come again.
    He set a steady, deliberate rhythm, pulling almost out before sliding back in. He didn’t move fast, he didn’t fuck her hard, he kept to a relentless pace that drew out more sensation than if he’d slammed into her. And her orgasm this time was so deep, so complete, so long, she lost all sense of the world around her, of everything but Einar.
    By the time she came back to herself, his mouth was on hers, his kiss both sweet and desperate as he finally increased his rhythm, pounding hard to an orgasm she felt along every inch of her own body. He pumped into her several strokes after he came, as if he was no more in control of his body than she was of hers.
    She took advantage of his release to finally lower her arms, bringing her hands to his face, holding him there as she savored the brush and play of his tongue with hers. Finally, he lifted onto his forearms and looked down at her. The love, the intensity in his expression was worth everything to her.
    Whatever the future held for them, she would hold this moment and his love close to her soul forever.
    They spent the rest of the morning in soft caresses, eager kisses, heat and powerful need. Nuala indulged all the desires she’d kept locked tight in her heart for the long centuries, sucking, licking, tasting, fucking, savoring every inch, every ounce of his body. They barely spoke, and while she didn’t know why he remained quiet, she knew for her part, she didn’t want to risk breaking the spell, allowing reality to intrude on this ideal time. To speak would be to admit her love, to admit things had changed and there was no going back.
    So silently she loved him, pleasured him and allowed him to be her world

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