Mr. August

Free Mr. August by Jan Romes

Book: Mr. August by Jan Romes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jan Romes
Tags: Contemporary
felt like he’d taken a blowtorch to her body. She writhed in his embrace and felt the pressure of his arousal push against her.
    “Max, we should probably…” Libby put her mouth against Max’s ear. “…we should…” She fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, managing to get enough unbuttoned so she could run her fingers through the hair on his chest. “Max, we…I…need you so much.”
    “I need you too, Libby,” he replied quietly. “We should take this to cabin.” Urgency wrapped each word.
    Libby nodded, pecked Max’s mouth, and moved off his lap. “Look what you did to the windows,” she giggled nervously.
    “What I did?” They laughed, but the moment their gazes connected the mirth vanished. “You’re an amazing woman, Libby Griffin!” Max used the back of his hand to wipe the fog that gathered on the inside of the windshield.
    It took less than a minute for the cabins to come into view. As soon as the car came to a rest, Max made a mad dash to the passenger side to open Libby’s door. He pulled her into his chest and held her for a few long seconds. Libby felt his rapid heartbeat keep time with hers. Finally, he tipped her chin so they were eye to eye. “Are you sure about this?”
    “Completely sure.” Libby smiled. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to experience Max in every sense of the word.
    Max swept her up in his arms and carried her into the cabin. The second he stood her up, they dove at each other. Hands, arms, and mouths were a blur of activity. Max broke the kiss long enough to kick off his shoes. Libby unzipped her half-boots and tossed them in the corner.
    Max returned her to his arms and Libby felt the passion that fired through her at the bar and again at Mallard Lane blaze hotter than ever. He moved to her mouth and moved under her shirt at the same time. She shivered with delight when he located the hooks of her bra and with deft fingers released them.
    Libby moaned urging him on. Max captured her nipples with his thumbs and forefingers, gently rolling them between his fingers. “I want you so much,” he whispered huskily at her throat.
    Libby was aroused to the point of no return, but she was lucid enough to detect “but” in his voice. She understood it. Intimacy changed everything. But she needed this closeness with Max—wherever it took them. “I’m yours,” she simply said, letting him make the decision whether or not to proceed.
    When Max released her nipples, disappointment lingered at the top of her throat. She swallowed hard to push it down.
    He toyed with her choker. “Did I mention how sexy this is?”
    “I had a hunch you liked it.”
    Max held her eyes for a second and moved in for another kiss; a hot, melt-your-socks-off kiss that said he wasn’t calling anything off. Libby’s heart danced for joy. Every inch of her came alive and pulsed with anticipation.
    Skillful fingers slowly unbuttoned her shirt. Argh! Why did she have to wear a shirt with so many buttons? By the time Max got to the last few, she could feel his patience splinter. Libby splayed her hand across his chest to stop him. With the cockiness of a woman about to be made love to, she issued Max a sexy grin, gave the bottom of her shirt a significant tug and popped the last three buttons. She chuckled inwardly at having done the same thing to his shirt a couple of days ago.
    Max nuzzled her neck and trailed his tongue down to the swell of her breasts, while gently working the shirt from her shoulders. The straps of her lace and satin bra fell down around her arms, exposing her breasts. Libby bit her lip to stifle an outcry of delight.
    He pulled back just enough to let his eyes roam. “You’re so beautiful.” His words were gritty and sensuous, and Libby felt explosive currents detonate inside of her. Her heart beat wildly and her body ached for fulfillment.
    In a fevered rush, they were lying on the rug in front of the fireplace, embracing while tugging down their jeans,

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