short curls above her armor, and knightly uniform. They shared a brief understanding that they needed to speak, then she looked away from her king.
“It is, your majesty. The scroll contains powers, possibly of a heretical nature that need to be identified and clarified by the church. Kalzarius, in league with Lord Savanno Lisario himself, unleashed som ething that had an effect on a minotaur fugitive they hide in the tower. He claims to have been given this relic by an immortal being, and will not relinquish it. This is dangerous and blasphemous in the highest regard of the charge, an offense against God and the church. I saw it with my own eyes, my king.” Javiel heard the doors open behind him, and the announcement of the Lord Knight Errant and the wizard Kalzarius. The Bishop smiled, feeling he had gotten the lead with the throne that he and the church needed.
“Your Majesties, Kalzarius and the Lord Knight Erra-“
The two men walked to stand on either side of Javiel, not waiting for introductions, and bowed quickly to the King and Queen of Harlaheim. “Your highness, my queen, the bishop speaks in error. He was most certainly invited to the tower, in fact we journeyed there together this morning.” Savanno spoke with his usual stern composure, honest and respectful. Many hushed whi spers flowed through the court. A ll at the nobles table not certain why the bishop would dare accuse their leading lord of anything since his loyalty and piety to Alden were well known.
“It seems he is confused then, my Lord Savanno.” Rosana quickly added her comment, discrediting the bishop that she could not abide already. Her eyes darted across the gaze of Sir Savanno, holding a smile back as best she could.
“The scroll in question was found by Saberrak of Unlinn, in Chazzrynn, your majesty. It is not ours, the churches, or anyone else’s for that matter. He and his companions, three of them tied to nobility I might add, have decided to have it examined in my tower. They have traveled far to do so, and I request that they be allowed that courtesy.” Kalzarius tapped his staff on the stone floor beside the blue carpeted walkway, casting an echo throughout the great chamber.
“The crafty warlock, Kalzarius, should also mention he has used the scroll’s powers of evil and gifted them to this criminal minotaur. I saw the invocation of rites and ritual into this killer beast, then he threatened me with his axe!” Javiel yelled, pointing his finger at both the wizard and the knights present.
Arguing and threats issued from several of the knights toward the wizard. Then Savanno stood opposed the bishop, starting a heated discussion that was overwhelmed by the rest of the court sending their raised voices and decrees toward the center of the chamber. Shouts of blasphemy and treason could be heard, yells of rights of the church echoed, and rapiers began to pull from scabbards. The war of words continued for minutes, escalating into idle threats and challenges between church and knight, officer and priest, rights and justice. The Lord Knight Errant, leader of the Order of Saint Tarumin, most powerful lord under the rulers of Harlaheim, was powerless to gain control of the verbal battle. He stared for a moment, maybe more, at Rosana. Her beauty, her smile, and her eyes meeting his across the sea of dirty politics gave him hope. Hope that he would see her again tonight, alone, without all of the noise to distract them. Her eyes told him the same.
Madame Florin attempted to get the kings attention, hoping he would stop laughing at this debate and give her an order or a sign of some sort. She needed to know whom to side with, whom to watch, and perhaps who to deal with secretly with her sword in the dark of night. He was too busy enjoying the mockery, and the lady knight fumed on the inside as his immaturity shone through again. She did, however, notice a long stare and caring glance from Savanno during the middle of the violent