Night's Cold Kiss

Free Night's Cold Kiss by Tracey O'Hara

Book: Night's Cold Kiss by Tracey O'Hara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracey O'Hara
call us that, and this is my business. You’re a guest on my plane and you’ll respect all of my guests.”
    “I’ll not be spoken to like a child.”
    “Then stop behaving like one,” Sergei barked.
    Her eyes widened in shock and then they narrowed dangerously on Christian before she crossed the distance between them. “What’ll you do? Throw me off the plane?”
    “Don’t tempt me.”
    “You could try, bloodsucker.” She pulled back her arm and punched him right in the face.
    He did nothing to block it and after his head rocked back he looked her in the eye as he licked the drop of blood that trickled from the corner of his mouth.
    “Antoinette,” Sergei roared, coming to his feet.
    Christian caught her next swing by the wrist mere inches from his face. “Is it any wonder you’ve not been told anything when you go off half-cocked—attacking first and questions later?” he said through gritted teeth.
    Tears welled and she stopped struggling against him. Then he noticed her flushed face, the beads of sweat on her brow and upper lip, and the way she flinched when he held her arm. Christian pulled her closer, placing his hand on her forehead. Heat radiated from her in waves. She struggled, trying to push him away but he held her tighter.
    “You’re unwell,” he said.
    Her eyes widened.
    “Is that true?” Sergei asked, his brows knitting in worry.
    She slowly nodded and turned to Sergei. “I thought it was just a headache.”
    “Your wound,” Sergei said. “It’s infected, isn’t it?”
    Christian guessed the same thing.
    Antoinette shrugged her shoulders. “You know how quickly these things can turn.”
    “Damn it—why didn’t you say something earlier?” Christian demanded.
    “Because I thought it was just a headache,” she repeated, her eyes glittering feverishly highlighting her black eye.
    “Well, we’d better get this infection under control—now,” Christian said. “Come on.”
    “I’ll see a doctor when we reach New York.” She backed away a step.
    “NO—We’ll take care of it now.” He took her by the wrist.
    She stubbornly raised her chin.
    Stupid, proud little fool. But he didn’t have time for this crap.
    Grabbing her by the elbow, he pulled her closer—her eyes widened and she turned from a deep pink to a flaming flush. She stamped hard on his foot. An Aeternus he may be, but he still felt pain.
    The last of his patience evaporated. With one smooth movement he scooped her up and carried her into the room she’d erupted from so dramatically minutes earlier.
    When he reached the crumpled bed, he dumped her unceremoniously on it. Her face screwed up as she grunted and scowled at him; he felt a momentary stab of guilt for his rough handling.
    “How dare you?” she spat.
    “I dare as I please,” he said coolly.
    Sergei stood in the open door. “Let Christian tend to it, niece.”
    “I want to see a human doctor. What would an Aeternus know about humans?”
    “Sorry, but I’m the closest thing you’ve got.” Christiancrossed his arms. “I’ve practice medicine on humans before, now—take off that dress and let me have a look.”
    Her stubborn chin rose higher as she glared at him.
    “If you don’t take it off I’ll be forced to do it myself,” he warned. “And with the mood I’m in, it won’t be gentle.”
    From the corner of his eye he saw Sergei back out of the room, shutting the door behind him. When she didn’t move he took a step toward her.
    “Okay.” She held up a restraining hand. “Okay—I’ll do it.” She climbed off the bed and reached for the zipper on the side of the dress before looking at him over her shoulder. “Do you mind?”
    “Not at all.” He leaned his shoulder casually against the wall. “I’ve seen a naked body or two in my time.”
    “Not mine, you haven’t,” she said, then swore under her breath before turning her back to him to slip the dress over her head.
    His stomach knotted as he ran his gaze over her

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