KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette

Free KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette by A.B. McKINLEY

Book: KILTED DESIRE 2 - Russian Roulette by A.B. McKINLEY Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.B. McKINLEY
tell me he had a daughter, when we spoke on the phone. I did nae
know yer even existed until they told me last night. I’m actually here because
they wanted some advice aboot a foreign trip that yer brother may be making.”
    “Whew…oh, okay then. Sorry for the wrong conclusion,” she
said feeling a little embarrassed.
    “So, what’s Kyle up to? Still the Russian casino, I
presume?” she asked, relieved to be able to change the subject.
    “Aye, yer Mom and Dad are going tae find oot some more
information from him today. Then I can see what I can find oot.”
    “So, what exactly do you do, Scott?”
    “I’m a former Special Forces soldier, and have done considerable
private security and bodyguard work. I also teach martial arts and self-defense
classes at the moment. How aboot yer?”
    “Wow, that’s pretty cool. I own a designer boutique down in
Santa Monica. Well, it was my Mom and Dad’s store, but I bought it from them
after I finished college.”
    They continued to talk for a few minutes as they sipped
their coffee. When Tiffany finished hers she walked over to the sink and washed
out her cup. Then, she turned to Scott.
    “Hey, I’m going down for a walk on the beach. It’s really beautiful
down there. Would you like to join me?”
    “I’d love tae. But, I am sure yer Mom and Dad will be up
soon and we have work tae do. Thank yer fer asking though.”
    “Okay. I’ll see you later,” she replied, as she headed
towards the door.
    He watched her as she left the house. It was hard not to
look. She was extremely pretty with a great figure.

    Scott sat in the kitchen and quietly waited for Jim and
Linda to wake up. He poured himself a second cup of coffee, which was unusual
for him. His head slowly started to feel a little better. He walked back into
the main living room and looked out of the window. The view was amazing. But
this time, he noticed something he hadn’t seen the previous day. There was a
bright yellow Porsche 911 convertible in the driveway; he figured that it must
be Tiffany’s car.
    He always liked Porsches, but had never been able to afford
one. He smiled as he looked around. This was a completely different world to
what he was used to.


Chapter 7

    Later that morning, Scott joined Jim and Linda as they sat
in the sun by the swimming pool. Linda tried to call Kyle earlier, but as of
yet, she had been unable to get a hold of him. She left him a message and asked
him to call her back, that it was urgent. Tiffany returned from her walk on the
beach, and was persuaded by her Father to partake in a game of tennis, which
she reluctantly agreed to. It was a hot day in Southern California, but it
didn’t feel too bad since there was a gentle ocean breeze. It didn’t take long
until Scott could feel his skin as it slowly started to burn. He sat with Linda
in the shade and he watched the Father-Daughter tennis match unfold. Not long
after they started to play, Linda’s cell phone rang, it was Kyle. She went
inside the house to take the call. About fifteen minutes later she returned and
handed a piece of paper to Scott.
    “Here you go, Scott. I think I got everything you asked for.
But, I did tell him to make sure he kept his phone turned on in case we needed
to get any more information from him.”
    Scott looked at the note. The Pavlyuchenko
Casino, in Sochi.
    “Och Sochi, That’s way doon tae the
South of Russia. Pavlyuchenko? Is that the family
    “Yes. Kyle said the casino’s name was the same as Alexei’s
last name. It’s still under construction. Apparently, it is almost completed
though, and should be opening soon.”
    Jim looked over and saw Linda hand Scott a note, and walked over
to them.
    “Did you hear from Kyle?” he asked his wife.
    “Yes, I’ve just given the details to Scott.”
    “So, what do you think Scott?” Jim asked, inquisitively.
    “Sochi is a southern city. I think it’s actually on the
Black Sea

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