Not Too Tall to Love

Free Not Too Tall to Love by Berengaria Brown

Book: Not Too Tall to Love by Berengaria Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Berengaria Brown
this time they moved much more slowly, running their hands over each other, and Derek reaching both arms behind him to play with
Corey’s asshole.
    Derek’s head rested on the shower wall to help
balance them both and Corey alternated pumping into Derek’s ass while playing
with his cock. Gradually the tension increased and both men’s balls pulled up
tight against their bodies. Then Corey felt the tingling at the base of his
spine indicating he was about to come and twisted his hips, angling his cock to
make sure he pinged the other man’s prostate with the slightly curved head, so
they could both climax together.
    As the water cooled they soaped and cleaned up,
both more confident they could deal with the future and get their woman back.

Chapter Eight
    After an extended crying jag Andy staggered
into the bathroom for her third shower that day. She leaned against the wall and
tilted her head into the spray, her eyes swollen shut, her nose red and
dripping and her emotions in turmoil.
    Get a grip, woman,
it’s really perfectly simple. How much are you prepared to compromise to stay
with them? Are they worth giving up your apartment for?
    Andy stood there still sniffling
intermittently, trying to make up her mind.
    I have to be me. I
can’t give that up. But I want them so much, I can’t give them up.
    Derek can’t buy me.
I’m not for sale.
    How can I live without
them? Don’t be a drama queen. I lived without them until last week! But I
didn’t know them then and now I do.
    “I can’t think about it anymore today. I’ll
decide tomorrow,” she said firmly, picking up the shampoo and squeezing a blob
on to her hand. “Tomorrow.”
    But midnight came and went and she was still
tossing and turning in her bed.
    “I don’t need them. I can give myself a
perfectly good orgasm,” she said aloud, retrieving her favorite purple dildo
from the nightstand.
    But lying back on her pillows, all she could
think of was the way Derek loved her breasts, how he always sucked and played
with them and made her so hot. Tweaking the nipples herself was no real turn-on
at all. And Corey used that slight curve in his cock to devastating effect. Her
purple pal was nowhere near as good.
    Sighing, Andy sat up and dug deeper in the
drawer, bringing out her old red BOB.
    She lubed it thoroughly, set it to her favorite
speed, and gradually inserted it into her ass, pushing it as deep as it would
go. Then with that welcome feeling of fullness she placed her feet flat on the
mattress, her knees wide apart and plunged her purple dildo deep into her cunt.
    She pushed it deep, then withdrew it to play over her clit, while the fingers of her left hand tweaked
and twisted a nipple. Then back inside to push deep, her hips rising into the
    She remembered being backed back against the
tree at Little River Falls, Derek thrusting inside her, and Corey into Derek.
She visualized their time in the river, both men playing with her, bringing her
to completion—and the two times she taken them both together, one in her ass
one in her cunt, the three of them holding so tightly to each other, pushing in
and out, the tension rising and rising.
    With a deep grunt of relief Andy came, knowing
that she had to apologize to the men and work through to some way they could be
together—at least long enough to see if a relationship could work.
    Happy to have made the decision, Andy dropped
the two dildos on the pillow beside her and went to sleep.
    * * * *
    She dressed carefully the next morning, with
her sexiest, laciest red lingerie under her sober work clothes and a clean red
thong in her briefcase in case she was invited to sleep over at their house.
    As she ate her breakfast cereal and packed a
sandwich for lunch at work she continued to mull over how she’d make
arrangements with the men.
    I can’t totally give
up my freedom but I do see this apartment’s too small for the three of us. But
Corey and Derek have been a

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