My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 5 Escape
fast as I could. As I entered, Rita took a few steps back. Blood
colored her face and knuckles, with a few streaks also on her naked
    “ Where’s
Jagger?” I said.
    “ Alberto took
    I turned and headed out of the
cell, throwing the keys at a Santini guard, telling him to lock her
in. I pushed past another man, who was carrying an unconscious
Camila down the steps, then yelled at two more to follow me as I
sprinted for the main staircase. I took to it two steps at a time,
my heart racing ahead of me, because I knew what Alberto was doing
to Jagger—or had done. In no time I was outside his bedroom, his
door locked. I yelled out to Alberto to open up, then started
kicking at the door, not willing to wait even a second, my need to
save Jagger overtaking me.
    I continued to kick at the door until a
crack sounded, the lock breaking free from its jamb, the door
smashing against the wall. I rushed inside, freezing almost
instantly, what I saw on the bed making me feel sick. Jagger was
splayed across the mattress naked. His wrists were tied to the
headboard while his legs were spread wide and attached to the
bottom of the bed. He was bleeding from the nose and his right ear,
and below... I covered my mouth. The sheet between his legs... The
cum... The blood... I wanted to shout out in rage, to curse and
yell, asking God how my own brother could do such a thing to our
cousin. He was sangue —blood, one of our own . But I knew how: through me. I was to blame for this. I was
too soft when it came to Alberto, had always been. I had pandered
to his sick whims for far too long, allowing him to think he could
get away with anything, but he couldn’t any longer, and I was the
only one who could stop him.
    I yelled at the guards to
find him,
knowing he’d escaped out the window, which was wide open. The
guards took off out of the room. Instead of following them, I
headed for the bed, pulling my knife from my pocket. I flicked it
open and cut the ties from Jagger’s ankles, the blood staining them
showing how hard he had fought Alberto. I moved up to the headrest
and cut the ties from his bloodied wrists. His arms flopped down,
almost lifeless. Although he was breathing, his expression was
dead, the man broken. I smoothed back his hair, seeing Thierry in
him, the vulnerability inherent within the brothers.
    “ Jagger,” I
said, turning his face to me.
    He stared right through
me, lost in his own nightmare.
    “ I’m sorry,”
I said, “So sorry. I should have believed you.”
    He continued to stare
through me.
    “I will do anything for
you now. I am forever in your debt,” I said.
    He blinked, a single tear
running down his cheek. “Kill me.”
    I shook my head. “You’re not
the one who should die.” I leaned down and kissed his forehead,
then left the room, knowing what I had to do.
    Shouts came from downstairs, my brother’s
voice amongst them. I stopped at the top of the staircase, looking
down at the scene before me, where three men were trying to
restrain a disheveled looking Alberto, their guns useless against
him, since he knew they wouldn’t shoot.
    “ Alberto!” I
    He stopped struggling and
looked up at me, his expression telling me he knew I’d found
Jagger. I descended the staircase, my brother’s eyes not leaving
me, the other men surrounding him forgotten, because they couldn’t
hurt him like I could.
    “ You were
meant to leave,” I said, keeping my voice calm, even though I was
raging inside, both anger and love battling each other, neither
wanting to relent.
    He blinked, looking surprised,
probably not understanding why I wasn’t hitting him or yelling at
the top of my lungs. “I didn’t think you would return,” he finally
    “ And why is
    “I’d phoned ahead,
pleading with the Donatelli not to hurt you.”
    “ You’re a
liar, because no one was expecting me, I took them by
    He went silent for a moment,
then shook his head. “Don’t kill

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