My Masters' Nightmare Season 1, Episode 5 Escape
me, Frano, I’m your
brother— sangue .”
    “ Jagger
is blood too, and I told you what would happen if you touched him
again. And you didn’t just touch him, you brutalized
    “ He refused
my love.”
    “ How can you
say you love him after what I found up there? The state he was
in...” I breathed out, my voice almost breaking, but I reined it
in, because I had to be strong to get through tonight—and the
coming days.
    “ I wouldn’t
have hurt him if he’d just let me love him,” Alberto said.
    “ He will
never do that. Instead, you should’ve left when you had the
    “ I couldn’t,
I’d finally got him. And it would be cruel to take that from
    “ You speak of
cruelty?!” I yelled , finally losing it. “What you did to Jagger is
beyond cruelty!”
    “ I know, and
I’m sorry, but he still needs to learn that he can’t keep fighting
me, as his slaves have learned not to fight him.”
    “He is NOT a slave! He is
your cousin!”
    “No. He is my
    I let out a ragged breath, my brother
beyond reasoning with his mind stuck on one thing—or person, his
lust to keep Jagger knowing no limits.
    “ What
would you do if you were in my shoes?” I finally said. “How would
you act as the don after finding your cousin tied to a bed, raped,
and beaten?” I asked, wondering whether I could actually kill
Alberto, my closest living relative, someone who I loved more than
myself. But I couldn’t ignore what he’d done, the irreversible
damage he’d caused, and if he stayed alive, Jagger would continue
to suffer—more than he was now.
    Alberto frowned. “If I were you, I’d
allow me to have him.”
    “ So, you
would choose Jagger over walking out alive?”
    “ You cannot
kill me, we are brothers. Instead, if I were you, I’d accept my
relationship with Jagger and allow me to live with him in
    “ That doesn’t
answer my question. I want to know if you will walk out of here now
and never come back in exchange for me not killing
    He nodded.
    “ Then give me
a hug goodbye, brother,” I said, knowing he was
lying , but doing the only thing I could.
    Alberto held his arms out wide. I
walked into his hug, wrapping my arms around the big man, who I
loved with all my soul. He hugged me back.
    “ I love you,
brother,” I said, tears breaking free. I couldn’t hold it back
anymore, because I knew Alberto was going somewhere I couldn’t
follow. I dropped my right arm, but he continued to hug me, which I
didn’t want to end.
    “ I love you
to o,”
he said.
    I squeezed my eyes shut,
and lowered my face to his shoulder, doing the unthinkable,
something I never thought I could do. “I’m sorry,” I
    “ Why are
you—” He let out a gasp, his body stiffening against
    I wrapped my left arm tighter
around him, not wanting to ever let him go, because I knew when I
did our life together was over.
    “Brother,” he groaned.
    I turned my head and
kissed his cheek. “I will always love you.”
    His body sagged, his weight becoming too
heavy for me to hold onto. I yelled at the men behind Alberto to
take him. His arms dropped from me, the men pulling him away. The
knife came free from his stomach, my right hand still gripping onto
it tightly, my knuckles white from the pressure. Alberto’s blood
dripped off its blade and onto the floor, discoloring the rugs at
our feet. I opened my hand, allowing the knife to fall, his blood
smearing my hand, my tears cutting a path down my face. I didn’t
care that I was crying in front of the men, only that I had killed
my brother.
    Alberto looked down at his stomach, his
hands going to his wound, then he looked back at me, his gaze
disbelieving. Still staring at me, he dropped to his knees, his
eyes tearing me apart, the betrayal I saw in them unforgivable. I
was going to Hell, no, I was already there.
    He bent his head, a sob coming
from deep within him, then he collapsed onto the floor. I dropped
down in

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