you have no idea what we are going into?”
Alexey tried to hide his contempt for her. “Why are you so cynical all the time? Do you not see how far we have come? It is only with the pairing of you and I that this could come about. You, with your knowledge of Eden and me, with my knowledge of everything else.”
She had had enough.
“Do you believe this will be a walk in the park, Alexey? Do you honestly believe that no matter how well prepared we are, it will be easy? These are warriors that we will be fighting! While you were sucking on your mother’s teat, they were training to defend their home! When you were starting your first business venture, each and every one of the Daughters of Eve had already accumulated more knowledge about computers and technology than one thousand of the smartest men and women in the world could ever retain! Their fighting power individually is amazing enough, but together, they are legion! You are smug behind the fact that we have artillery and weapons and yet, no matter how many times I explain what we are up against, you still fool yourself into believing that we will just waltz into Eden and claim the Tree of Life without so much as a struggle!”
Alexey’s smile faded and he stayed quiet as they rejoined the trucks.
Alexey and Sulna got out of the jeep. Colonel Sharif embraced Alexey and then got into the jeep and drove back to Tabriz.
As he drove out of sight, Alexey thought about the colonel becoming a martyr. He laughed it off as he and Sulna got into the cab of the lead Neynava truck.
The driver acted as if they weren’t even there. He was doing as he was instructed.
Only talk if they talk to you.
Alexey’s positive feelings about the upcoming battle were deflated as quickly as it took for Sulna to give her speech.
He had hoped that he wouldn’t have to talk to her again until they reached their destination, but he knew that was impossible.
“Sulna. Do us both a favor and let the driver know where we are headed.”
She immediately leaned in close to the driver. She looked back at Alexey and then started whispering into the driver’s ear. She then leaned back in her seat.
“You will not take this from me, woman!” Alexey did not like the way that she had consistently treated him.
He was no minion.
He was Alexey Konstantin!
He would not be pushed around by anyone…not even her!
“Sulna, or whoever you decide to call yourself! I am tired of this game of cat and mouse! You must realize by now that I am no underling to be pushed around! I am a Konstantin!”
Alexey waited for Sulna to hit him, or at least yell at him.
She did neither.
She was abnormally calm.
This frightened him more than when she yelled.
She turned to her partner. “I am not interested in who you are, Alexey. I don’t care where you were born or what your favorite television program is. I know you think we are lovers now, because of one mistake on my part. We are not. Although I do not need to respect where you come from, you need to respect where I come from. I am tired of explaining things to you like a child, Alexey. You know what the mission is and still, you cry and complain that you are not being respected. If we succeed, then you will gain all of the respect that you could ever desire. Until then I would ask, no, I demand , that you shut the fuck up!”
Alexey decided to calm himself. He knew there would be a time and a place to vent. “What about the Tree, Sulna? All of this anger won’t help you in our mission to secure the Tree.”
“The Tree, Alexey? The Tree is but a small part of my plan. We will secure the Tree. My overall plan is much bigger than that. Why do you think I told you we needed an army? Not just because of our opposition.” Her eyes turned black.
“What do you mean? I am bringing the army to capture the Tree and to defeat the Daughters,” he said, trying to control his anger.
“ We will defeat the Daughters, Mr. Konstantin! ” she said coolly,
James Kaplan, Jerry Lewis
Michael Baden, Linda Kenney