Anywhere With You

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Book: Anywhere With You by Britney King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Britney King
    Subject: Running.
    Dear Jack,
    And here I was thinking that I’d always been the runner—yet look at you showing me up. You know how I hate that.
    But I have to say, your skills at both running and ignoring me are rather impressive.
    Also, I want you to know that I understand you’re angry with me and why. You have every right to be.
    But this doesn’t mean that I don’t miss my best friend. Secondly, last time I checked we were both adults.
    Can we start acting like it? Please?
    After all, tomorrow marks the start of the New Year.
    And I, for one, am hopeful for new beginnings.
    Happy New Year, Jack.
    Hope you’re doing something amazing to celebrate.
    This time I couldn’t help myself. I wrote back.
    To: Amelie Rose
    From: Jack Harrison
    Subject: RE: Running.
    I’m not running… I’m sprinting. ;)
    I’m sorry about what happened in Boston. It was a mistake.
    As for my unavailability, I apologize. I’m seeing someone and let’s just say that she has been keeping me VERY busy. :)
    Happy New Year,
    Five minutes after I hit send, she replied. The truth was I was only sort of seeing Jane at the time. But then again, I’d been ‘sort of’ seeing Jane for a long time. It was all semantics, really.
    To: Jack Harrison
    From: Amelie Rose
    Subject: Sprinting.
    Dear Jack,
    That is wonderful news.
    Tell me about this ’someone’… I’d love to hear about what, or rather, whom is keeping you so busy.
    She must be amazing.
    I’m so happy for you, Jack.
    Talk soon,
    Dear God. That wasn’t the response I’d expected. With Amelie though, it never was. Now that my ‘relationships status’ had been established, I knew I had to put this thing on pause. Also, I was still angry, angrier than I’d thought, and this whole situation only brought up those feelings. Only I wasn’t in the mood to be angry. It was New Year’s and I had plans. And Amelie and her shenanigans needed to stay far away from them.
    To: Amelie Rose
    From: Jack Harrison
    Subject: RE: Sprinting.
    I will. In time.
    For now, we’re late for our dinner plans.
    Three weeks later, in one of my weaker moments, I emailed her out of the blue.
    To: Amelie Rose
    From: Jack Harrison
    Subject: What am I doing?
    Dear Amelie,
    Aside from my dad, I think you’re the only one who knows me well enough to answer the questions I’m pondering.
    What in the hell am I doing with my life?
    You wanted to know about the woman I’m seeing… Well, let me tell you about her…
    She’s a widow. A widow named Jane. And she has a kid.
    A kid, Amelie. A little girl. And you know what? I don’t even know if I like kids. That’s the shitty part.
    I care about Jane. I really do. But I don’t know if that’s enough. Does that even make sense? I don’t know.
    I think I could love her. I think maybe I do love her. But I don’t know if I’m in love with her. Is there even a difference?
    Anyway, I just thought, or maybe I hoped that you’d know the answers. You always did know the right thing to say.
    Except when you don’t. :)
    I miss you,
    Thankfully, she wrote back within a few hours.
    To: Jack Harrison
    From: Amelie Rose
    Subject: RE: What am I doing?
    Dear Jack,
    Hey stranger.
    You’re asking me for advice?!? Ha!
    Well, it appears you are—so I’ll tell you what I think…
    Jane sounds nice. I think I remember you liking kids…
    But here’s the important part: Do not fuck this up.
    Either get in or get out.
    Easier said than done, I know.
    But you have to decide. Because only you can.
    Hope this helps,
    I read her email over and over again. It was exactly what my father had said, only kinder. I could tell she had her guard up—and I knew why.

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