Death of a Waterfall (The Hayden Falls Saga)

Free Death of a Waterfall (The Hayden Falls Saga) by Kara Leigh Miller

Book: Death of a Waterfall (The Hayden Falls Saga) by Kara Leigh Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kara Leigh Miller
Tags: Romance
wasn't going anywhere until someone told her what the hell was going on.
    Trevor stood in front of Alex, preventing him from going after Donnie again. "Calm down, man."
    "He was making a move on Teghan," Alex said, wiping the blood from his lip.
    "I wasn't doing anything she didn't ask for," Donnie said.
    "Teghan? That's what this is all about?" Trevor asked.
    "That bastard was moving in on my girlfriend." Alex pointed at Donnie.
    "I'm not your girlfriend, Alex!" Teghan walked up to him, her face streaked with tears. "Please stop," she begged with trembling lips. Alex knew damn well she wasn't his girlfriend. Why was he being so possessive? She had to stop this and make him understand, because if this was how he was going to act, then there was no way they could be friends.
    "Get out of my way, Teghan," Alex ordered. "I'm not finished with him yet."
    "What else you got?" Donnie motioned with his hands for Alex to come at him again.
    "No!" Teghan shouted. "This shit stops now!" They all stopped and looked at her. Her face was red with anger and her body was shaking.
    "Teghan," Trevor said calmly. "Tell me what happened."
    "I don't know." Her lips continued to tremble as she fought to regain some semblance of control. "I was dancing with Donnie and next thing I know, I'm on the ground and these two are beating on each other."
    Trevor looked back and forth between Donnie and Alex, his expression angry. "Which one of you two dickheads hit my sister?"
    Teghan groaned. All she needed was for Trevor to start fighting with them. "No one hit me, Trevor. I fell when Alex hit Donnie."
    "You alright, Teghan?" Donnie asked as he approached her.
    "Stay the fuck away from her," Alex said, stepping in front of Teghan, blocking Donnie's path.
    "Damn it, Alex. Stop!" Teghan looked at him. His lip was cut and swollen. "I'm not your girlfriend anymore. You can't act this way."
    "Fuck this. I'm outta here." Alex walked away.
    "Alex!" Teghan shouted and turned to go after him.
    Donnie grabbed her wrist. "Don't," he said, his green eyes pleading with her. "Let him go, Teghan."
    Teghan yanked free from his hold. She knew Donnie was right, but it was Alex. She had to go after him. Last time Alex had been angry and upset with her, he'd taken off for months without a word. She couldn't handle that again.
    "He's right, Teghan," Annabelle said. "If you don't want to be with Alex, then you need to let him go."
    "Give him some time to calm down," Trevor said. "I'll go talk to him."
    "Thank you, Trevor." Teghan gave her brother a hug.
    "Go get yourself cleaned up. You look like hell," Trevor said.
    Teghan choked back a sob. It was just like Trevor to make a crass statement like that during a situation like this. "Annie, will you go with him?" Teghan asked.
    "Sure." Annabelle hugged Teghan. "I'll meet you back at the dorm, okay?"
    Teghan nodded. Annabelle was the voice of reason in their group, and she always knew how to make things right between everyone. Teghan prayed Annabelle could make things right this time, too. Slowly, the crowd dissipated and the party resumed. "I'm leaving," she said.
    "Let me walk you to your dorm," Donnie said. "You shouldn't be out this late alone."
    Who the hell was he? Her father? Teghan left the house without another word. So much for pledging that sorority, she thought. How would she ever face any of those girls again? She was so pissed, she wanted to kill Alex and Donnie for embarrassing her like that. What the hell had they been thinking? "We're here," Teghan said.
    "Are you going to let me come up so we can talk about this?" Donnie asked.
    Teghan rolled her eyes. There was nothing for them to talk about. "Whatever." She opened the door and went inside. The only thing she cared about right now was changing and crawling into bed, pulling the covers over her head, and forgetting the entire night. Maybe if she got lucky, she'd wake up and it'd be four days ago, back when she hadn't met Donnie, back when Alex hadn't shown up at

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