Beauty and the Wolf

Free Beauty and the Wolf by Lynn Richards

Book: Beauty and the Wolf by Lynn Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Richards
huddled beneath the cover. He’d have to break her of her need to hid e her beautiful body from him. He could think of several ways of accomplishing that, way s that would leave them both exhausted and spent.
    “I’m a wolf, Sophie.”
    She blinked. “Come again?”
    “Not possible, since I’ve not had that opportunity yet.”
    She contin ued to look at him.
    “Bad joke, I know.”
    He crawled toward her, flicking the cover off before pull ing her down flat on the b ed. “I’m a wolf. I’m very, very old. My pack has been in Roanoke since before the first settlers landed.”
    “A werewolf?” He was surprised at the lack of shock in her voice.
    “That’s what Hollywood calls us. We’re mo re magic than myth. My people were gifted with the ability take human form many millennium ago.”
    Seeing the questions swirling in her eyes he sighed. There would be no sex until she had her answers. He wrapped his arms around her, turning them on their sides facing each other.
    “I don’t understand.”
    “All you need to understand is that I want you Sophie. I want to mark you as mine. Do you trust me?”
    Sophie lay stunned. She didn’t know whether to laugh at the joke the universe was playin g on her or scream for Mary Ann to come rescue her.
    “You’re a wolf?” How could this living, breathing most gorgeous specimen of a man be a wolf? “I don’t believe you.”
    “You do. What did you see when you came into my office? What did you see just now?”
    “Your eyes glowed.”
    “Yes, and if you had looked closer you would have seen my claws were extended. It took all I had to control my animal when I licked you. He loved the taste of you and wanted to claim you.”
    His hands wonder ed over her body, stroking her from hip and thigh, running up her back to cup her neck then start all over again. She shivered, barely resisting the urge to press her body against him. How she loved to be touched.
    Feeling her shiver, Jake decided to cut through all the crap and claim her. After he marked her he’d answer all her questions.
    He thrust against her letting her feel his engorged dick. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he swore to God his balls were going to fall off. He moved her leg, placing if over his hip. The move opened her to him. Like a magnet his cock found the warm slickness. He groaned and start ed to thrust .
    “Let me see your wolf.”
    Jake shook his head. “Not tonight, sweetheart.”
    “But I want to see,” she protested.
    Jake tightened his hand on her thigh. The first time he had her naked be neath him, captive to his whims, the woman wanted him to let lose his beast? No t bloody likely. “I’m hanging on by a thread here. I need to fuck you. ”
    A black eyebrow arched. “Is there something you want to tell me, Sophie?”
    It took a moment for her to understand. Her face turned that delightful shade of red and he grin ned .
    “No! I don’t , I wouldn’t.” She trailed off then looked at him with a serious expression. “Do you, you know have to in order to, uh.”
    Jake threw back his head and laughed. He’d know n being with Sophie would be the greatest experience of his life, but he hadn’t realized he’d feel like this. Light-hearted, free almost. In the past , sex had been sex. No nec essarily wham bam thank you ma ’ am , after all he was a wolf of some reput e when it came to the ladies, but he didn’t indulge in the wooing or courting of a woman like some of his pack mates. No, when he decided he wanted a woman, he approached her, propositioned her, and then fucked her. He couldn’t remember when he’d last been turned down.
    He looked own at the face of his mate and thanked the powers that be that she was his. “No, darling, I don’t have to be in wolf form to make love with you.”
    “Oh,” her mouth made a motion as if pouting .
    He kissed her throat . “But if you want to try it, I’m game.”
    S he pushed at his shoulders, as if to move him

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