swished her tail right through him. There was only confusion on his face when Dartan reached him. He was the only one that stopped.
“You do realize this isn’t morning, don’t you?” Dartan asked.
“Of course I do. You realize I’m also responsible for ruling this country, don’t you?” His furrowed brow showed irritation, but no malice. Dartan simply shook his head and continued walking. Alain stroked his beard a moment, then produced a staff from thin air and fell into step beside Dartan.
“I honestly don’t see the problem,” Alain said. Dartan looked sideways at him, but remained silent. “I mean, just look at you – well on your way to Amstead with a more than competent former member of the Royal Guard leading you.” Marcus shot a glance over his shoulder at the wizard, who returned it with a smile. “You hardly need me at all,” he concluded.
“Sure,” Dartan said, “except we have no idea what to do once we get to Amstead, where we’re going afterwards, or what insane task you want us to perform once we get there.” He stopped and faced Alain before adding in a lower tone, “The only guidance you have impressed upon me thus far is not to trust a wizard.”
“Then I have done you a great disservice. By no means should you limit your distrust to just my kind, boy.” He poked a finger at Dartan, “Trust no one.” He paused, thinking, then added, “Except for those you must.” Aliet groaned, but Alain merely smiled and continued to walk on, leaving Dartan standing in the road.
“As for your other concerns,” Alain continued on as though Dartan were still beside him, prompting him to catch back up. “I will answer all your questions, in due time. For now though, you should know I am preparing for your arrival in Amstead. You will have lodging at the Scales Tavern, where you will meet a man who possesses something you need, if you are to be successful.”
Aliet leaned back in the saddle and loudly whispered, “Don’t bother with asking about the ‘something’, but see if you can at least squeeze a name out of him.”
Dartan cleared his throat to mask the laugh. “A man, you say?” he ventured casually. “And would this man happen to have a name?” The look the wizard gave him was one worthy of his own mother, and he felt his cheeks sting with the red of shame. Even Aliet, who could see nothing of what passed between them, squirmed uncomfortably in the saddle. Dartan looked down at his feet and had another thought, it probably wasn’t the best idea to poke fun at a wizard anyway.
“Logan.” Alain spoke his answer straight out into the air, to all of them and none, simultaneously. They walked in silence for a few moments before he spoke again. “I’ll return when you reach the tavern.” He then turned to Dartan. “Do be careful, Dartan,” he said softly, then, without a sound, disappeared.
Dartan released the breath he wasn’t aware he had even been holding, and Aliet turned to look back at him. She swung her head both ways, scanning everything behind her.
“Is he gone?” she asked.
“I guess,” Dartan shrugged, “but how can we be sure?” Aliet slid from Josie’s back and slowed to let Dartan catch up.
“I suppose we could talk about him, and if we’re not struck dead then it means he’s not around?” she offered.
Dartan nodded. “That makes sense.” He took a large step away from her and said, “You go first.” Aliet laughed and Dartan felt a smile on his own face. It seemed to lift more than just his cheeks, and he laughed as well when Aliet moved close and punched him on the shoulder. It felt good. He had missed this Aliet the past few days.
“Seriously though,” she said between laughs, “do you really think he’s just going to leave us alone until we get there?”
Dartan shrugged. “Apparently he has a country to run.”
“But what about you? Apprentice.”
Dartan rolled his eyes. “Obviously I didn’t impress him enough to spend the