Hunger (Chicken Ranch Gentlemen's Club Book 1)

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Book: Hunger (Chicken Ranch Gentlemen's Club Book 1) by Amanda Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Young
tugged Killian's shirt out of his pants. "Want you."
    "Me too." Killian dropped his head onto the back of the couch, giving Declan's mouth more room to play. His hips surged up, grinding against Declan's ass. "I haven't been able to think about anything else."
    Declan grasped Killian's shirt and jerked it up and over his head. He tossed it over his shoulder, heedless of where it flew, and reached for Killian's belt. His fingers fumbled with the buckle, too unsteady to get the tongue through the hole. He groaned in frustration, jerking the belt to no avail.
    "Hey." Killian grabbed Declan's hands and brought them to his mouth, kissing one palm and then the other. "Calm down. I'm not going anywhere."
    "I know." Declan backed off and took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. His heart was racing, the echo of his pulse thrumming through his aching shaft. The desire to rip Killian's clothes off and ride him to satisfaction was strong, almost too powerful to resist. The watery memory of Killian's fat prick surging inside him had carried Declan through a lot of lonely nights and unsavory clients, but it was no longer enough. He needed the real thing. Pronto.
    "You know I want you too, right?" Killian slid his hand beneath Declan's T-shirt and rubbed his stomach. "I'm not slowing things down because I don't want to fuck you into tomorrow. I just… I've thought about little else other than being with you again. Now that I can, I'd really like to take my time and do you right."
    Declan snickered. "Do me right?"
    Killian blushed. "You know what I mean."
    "Yes, I do." Declan mussed Killian's hair, just because he could, and scrambled off his lap. Once standing, he held out his hand. "Why don't you show me to your room?"
    Killian took Declan's hand and rose to his feet. "It would be my pleasure."
    With their fingers entwined, Killian led Declan down the short hall and through the second door on the right. Just beyond the entrance, he released Declan's fingers and walked over to the nightstand, where he turned on a small lamp with a deep blue shade. Dim light illuminated a large, four-poster bed covered in a plush navy coverlet.
    Declan barely noticed the rest of the decor; he caught sight of the long, mirrored dresser across from the foot of the bed out of his peripheral vision, but he only had eyes for the man standing by the bed. It felt as if he'd waited a lifetime for this moment. In a way, he had. He'd never made love with anyone who wanted him just for him. This would be the first time he'd completely shared himself with someone when there wasn't a monetary reason attached. The blunt realization caused his pulse to race faster and his palms to dampen, yet his groin throbbed with a fresh pulse of desire.
    As he watched, Killian reached into the nightstand drawer and removed a strip of condoms and a dented bottle of lube. Without looking away from Declan, he tossed the lube and condoms onto the bed.
    Neither of them said a word as they both began to disrobe. Their lustful gazes expressed more than enough. The very way Killian looked at him made Declan burn with impatience. He would've liked to take his time and undress the other man, but he didn't want to delay getting his hands on Killian's body for another second. Clothing would only get in the way and was liable to be ripped if he dared to try and help with anything other than getting himself naked.
    In a matter of moments, they were both bare and staring at each other with interest. Killian's chest rose and fell exaggeratedly, as if he were having trouble breathing. Declan didn't feel so calm himself. His palms itched to trace the sparse whirl of hair beneath Killian's navel, to follow its path until his fingers were buried in the curls around Killian's thick shaft. If he'd had any doubt of whether Killian wanted him, it quickly evaporated in sight of the man's erection. Killian's dick was so swollen, it looked painful, the broad crown already wet and ruddy with need. An

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