Hunger (Chicken Ranch Gentlemen's Club Book 1)

Free Hunger (Chicken Ranch Gentlemen's Club Book 1) by Amanda Young

Book: Hunger (Chicken Ranch Gentlemen's Club Book 1) by Amanda Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Young
against the back wall and faced a large, wall-mounted flat-screen television and waist-high cabinet. Clunky wooden end tables and chrome-colored lamps flanked the couch. The lack of chairs lent the impression that Killian didn't have people over often.
    "Home sweet home," Killian said, entering behind Declan. "It isn't much, but it's mine."
    "It's nice, Killian. A lot better than my place." His tiny efficiency apartment was cramped and cold. It felt more like a hotel room than home.
    Killian pressed up against Declan from behind. He wrapped his arms around him and kissed the back of his neck. "Would you like something to drink?"
    Declan turned in Killian's arms. "Sure. Just water, if you don't mind."
    "No problem." Killian kissed the tip of Declan's nose. "Just give me a sec."
    "All right."
    Declan looked on as Killian strode through a threshold at the back of the living room and disappeared into blackness. Bright light quickly spilled from the kitchen, illuminating the view of sterile white room. Almost everything was colorless, from the floor to the walls. The only variance Declan could see from where he stood was chrome handles on the cabinets above and below the white marble counter. A dining-room table sat against the far wall to the right, constructed from clear glass and stainless steel.
    With the sound of running water and the clank of ice echoing in the background, Declan turned his attention to the narrow hallway to his right. Four doors stood closed, like silent sentries protecting Killian's loot from intruding eyes. He wondered what treasures were waiting to be discovered behind each one. Surely Killian had some kind of skeletons hiding in his closets. Handsome, sweet, and thoughtful to a fault, the man was too good to be true.
    And Mama always warned me not to believe in anything that seemed too perfect.
    Declan sat down on the edge of the sofa. As much as he hated to admit it, even if only to himself, a small part of him was buying into what the guys at work said. Over and over he'd listened to them predict doom and gloom for not only his but every single one of their relationships. Although he didn't want to believe it, a very tiny part of his psyche spoke up and justified his fears. If his own father couldn't love him, what hope did he have of finding anyone who could?
    Killian walked back into room carrying two glasses of ice water. "Are you in a hurry to get home? We could snuggle up and watch another movie or something."
    "Thanks." Declan accepted his glass and took a sip, enjoying the view. While sitting, he was right at eye level with Killian's groin. Even soft, the other man had a nice bulge behind his fly. "I know something we could do."
    Killian sat down beside Declan. "What's that?"
    "This." Declan took Killian's glass and set it and his own on the end table. Then he wasted no time closing the space between them. He straddled Killian's lap, pushing their groins together, and faced the older man head-on. "I realize you've tried to take things slow—and I appreciate the gesture—but I think we've waited long enough."
    Killian released a deep breath, murmured, "Thank God," and captured Declan's lips with his own. Strong hands bit into Declan's hips; long fingers sank into each of his buttocks as he was pulled in closer.
    Declan parted his lips, inviting Killian inside. The first touch of Killian's tongue seared away all conscious thought. The nimble appendage danced around his mouth, only to withdraw just when he was really getting into it. Declan advanced, fighting for more over the battleground of Killian's lips and teeth. Fueled by nearly a month of fantasies, the soft, wet tease heightened his body's need for more. Sparks of desire caught fire and heated him from the inside out. Killian's kiss was only a small appetizer, while Declan hungered for the full meal.
    Declan dragged his mouth away from Killian's. He buried his face in Killian's neck, licking and sucking the smooth, heated skin as he

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