Curiosity, the mortal weakness, began to assert itself.
‘The crook? Well, it’s rowan wood and that’s a guardian timber for mortals, so it’s almost like a bane for any Other. Add the silver bells and it feels like a flash of lightning. It burns and shocks; a complete anathema.’
‘Can you feel its proximity?’ Ana swayed as the horse paced evenly and her body touched Liam’s.
He relished every minute of such contact as he answered. ‘Indeed. It’s apparent.’
‘Does it hurt?’
‘Not especially,’ he lied. ‘Now tell me, why are you here on your own?’
Her initial silence smacked of cautious prevarication and he wondered if she was stronger than he had thought, perhaps not quite the easy game he hoped. Finally she replied. ‘To meet my friends. I had thought to shortcut through the Weald. I was almost there.’
‘Where do you plan to go?’ His questions nibbled away.
‘Wherever my friends wish to go. Their choices are mine. The Raj or Veniche. I don’t mind.’
Liam listened to her quiet voice, enjoying the pressure of her body behind him. ‘What about your family?’
Her body tensed, a withdrawing, a curling of the fingers at his waist, a straightening of the spine. ‘They won’t miss me,’ was all she said.
He knew better than to prevail any further and felt her body subside. But as they reached the side of the highway, she called out in a voice filled with light. ‘There!’
His fingers clenched on his reins, face tightening. He glanced down the grey ribbon of road and saw a vehicle pulled by a large horse and alongside, the shambolic shape of a camel. In his own tongue he cursed the approaching caravan as the nuisance he felt it was. Interference, conversation. His lip curled. He wanted her to react to his voice like that. Bain as! Bain as!
Another book has been finished and you must shrink it and replace it. Ah, but it’s as well this robe is so commodious or I would never be able to conceal the whole story. Move to the depiction of the fruit, the two branches arching with the fruits of the hedgerow. Embroidering fruit is immeasurably colourful and tactile and such pleasant stitches are used; Venichese knots, satin stitch, trellis stitch and many more. As one applies the individually wrought elements to the silk of the robe, it is like attending a market and picking the best and in my current situation that becomes a small measure of comfort. Y ou will see a terracotta butterfly of with aqua Venichese knots on the wings fluttering amongst the fruit. Very, very carefully, peel the wing back and there you will see another book. Read on!
Chapter Nine
‘So, Ana!’ Adelina’s face cooled like a weather change. Meeting up, heeding the Liam's presence, transferring Ana and her luggage, crook included, to the van was all done in a matter of fact, slightly gritty way by Adelina who cast combative looks at Liam. He meanwhile, smooth as can be, kept up a pleasant patter with Kholi Khatoun, the latter fully aware he was in the presence of an Other and not unimpressed by the fact.
‘Don’t be angry,’ Ana smiled tentatively at the Traveller.
‘Angry!’ Adelina slapped her hand against her thigh. ‘Ana, you have no idea how worried we have all been. Aghast. When we left Orford, the whole town was about to begin a search for you. Everyone was mad with fear because... because...’ she looked sideways at that dark stranger who chattered away to Kholi. Some black notion filled her whole being and she turned quickly back to the younger woman. ‘Because it was the middle of the night and everyone thought you may be dead. I really must turn round and take you home.’
‘No!’ Ana grabbed Adelina’s arm. ‘No, I am never going back. Never. I just want a lift away from Trevallyn. If it’s not with you, then I’ll get it with someone else.’ She glanced at Liam, a glance Adelina could hardly miss and her need to chaperone the woman and keep her safe from harm’s