Indirect Route

Free Indirect Route by Claire Matthews

Book: Indirect Route by Claire Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Matthews
warmly and pulled her over by her wrist.  She fell with an inelegant plop into his lap.  “Good girl.” When he kissed her, she closed her eyes and melted into the feeling, knowing that whatever she found out about her parents, she’d still hold on to these happy memories for a long time.
    They kissed, and kissed some more, until Janie realized that Aaron was approaching a point of no return.  “I’m going to get into my very G-rated pajamas.” Aaron nodded wordlessly.
    In the bathroom, Janie splashed cold water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror.  She was twenty-three.  She wasn’t a kid anymore, but that was a good thing.  She’d grown up while dealing with her mother’s illness and death.  But she’d also gained maturity, and a sense of self. 
    When she emerged from the bathroom, she noticed that Aaron had changed into a threadbare grey t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts.  His legs were nice—long and lean, with knees that were just knobby enough to be cute.
    “Do you need the bathroom?” She looked at her toes, suddenly shy.
    “Yeah, I’ll just be a second.” After he closed the bathroom door, she put away her travel toiletry bag and sat awkwardly on the edge of her bed.  What would happen tonight?  Was she ready to sleep with Aaron?  She wanted to, but she’d known him for such a short time.  She wasn’t the type to jump into bed with men on a whim.  On the other hand, it was possible that her hesitancy was partially to blame for her continued single status.  Maybe she should follow her desires for once.
    “Are you sure you’re okay with the bed by the window?”  Aaron asked as he entered the room.
    “Sure, window’s fine.  I’m a window kinda gal.  I always take the window seat when I fly, too.”  She knew she was rambling, but felt powerless to stop.
    “Or,” Aaron said softly.  “We could, you know.  Share.”  He pointed to his bed with his thumb, attempting and failing to look casual.  “In case it gets cold.”
    Janie grinned.  “It’s August.  In Alabama.”
    “But the air conditioner seems quite powerful.”  He crossed his arms and rubbed his triceps with brisk strokes.
    “Uh huh.”  She covered the three steps between her bed and his and crawled under the covers.
    Aaron was soon ensconced on the other side of the bed, the covers pulled to his neck, has back flat against the mattress.
    “You look like you’re ready for an alien probe or something,” Janie observed.
    “What?” He rolled onto one elbow.
    “Nothing, you just looked somewhat…uncomfortable.”
    “Well, I’m not really sure what your feelings are regarding…you know.” He rolled the edge of the sheet between his fingers.
    “I know what?”
    “Sheesh.  You know.  Us.  What am I supposed to do here?  What are you expecting?”
    “What are you expecting?” Janie countered.
    “I was kind of expecting to follow your lead.”
    “So you’d be okay if we just stayed in our pajamas and kind of, I don’t know, cuddled?” she asked.
    “Of course I’d be okay with that.”
    “And would you be okay with me stripping naked and molesting you for the rest of the evening?”  Janie expected him to turn bashful, but instead he broke into hearty laughter. 
    “God, yes!”
    She giggled.  “Well, you’re no help at all, then.”  She reached to kiss him, but had to stop to suppress a yawn.
    “Wow.  I’m gonna try not to be offended by that.” 
    Janie shoved his shoulder.  “I’m sorry, it’s just been a long day.”
    “I know.”  He reached for her and pulled her close, and she rested her head on his warm chest.  “What do you say we defer this decision for a little while and get some sleep?” he asked, bending to kiss the top of her head.
    “Sounds like a plan,” Janie agreed, her eyes suddenly burning with fatigue. 
    “Good night, Janie.”
    “Good night, Aaron.  Thanks for today.”  She hugged him gently around the waist, and was

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