Find A Way Or Make One

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Book: Find A Way Or Make One by E. C. Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. C. Kelley
to touch my lips. “What? You thought that you girls were the only ones that have been dealt a shitty hand? You haven’t had a choice in what has happened to you up until now. I am giving you a choice now. You can stay here and wallow in the hell and misery, or take a chance and help me offer each of you a chance at the lives that everyone deserves. ” I saw her jaw go slack, and then I saw her eyes fill with emotion for the first time. Taking a deep breath, she held out her hand, “What do you want me to do?”
    Quickly I clasped her hand. “Ok, I need you to get everyone into that far corner, after we move the chamber pots in front of the door. Then I need each of you to start moaning like you are in pain when I give the signal. Once the man that comes to check on you is neutralized, I will go and take care of anyone else on this floor. Grab the man’s weapons and go get the girls and go to the warehouse at this address. The men there will help you all get to my father’s tribe in Yemen once Nadeen and her brother catch up with you.”
    “Her brother, he let her husband do this to her! Surely you aren’t asking me to trust him!”
    “No he didn’t, her father did. Yasser is a good man and a loving brother. He came to Morocco to ask for my help.” I could tell the girl immediately understood. For a man to ask a woman for help was huge in this part of the world and Yasser loved his sister enough to do it.
    “Ok. You obviously have faith in this man. I will try to do the same.”
    “That is all I can ask. Well that, and your name?”
    The smile that overtook her face made her exquisite. “Raylan. My name is Raylan.”
    Holding out my right hand, I replied. “Nice to meet you Raylan, my name is Kye.”
    Raylan looked at my hand for a long moment. Suddenly she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. Needing her to focus I hugged her back then said, “Ok, I have always wanted a sister, and while I think that you are going to be a better sister than anyone could imagine, we have to get out of here first. You ready?”
    At Raylan’s nod, we proceeded to moving the chamber pots and getting all the women and girls into the corner. As I was listening to what was going on outside the door, Raylan threw a question at me that I hadn’t been expecting. “Are you going to get the boys too?” Immediately my mind flew to the images of my three boys. My red headed Seamus that looked just like Toby, and my dark haired Cian who at four years of age already had mastered the pout and soulful eyes that made women putty in his hands, and Tiarnan. At twenty years old, Tiarnan shared his dark good looks with his half-brother Cian, but exuded the danger and sex appeal most mean dreamed of having.       
    Thinking of my boys, and what I would do to anyone that hurt made me even more determined. “Everyone will be leaving here today.”
    After making sure that all the girls were in the corner, I hovered at the door listening for anything. Suddenly I could hear a commotion from the first floor, then I heard one man leave while telling the other to stay put and watch both rooms. It sounded like their merchandise was only kept in two rooms, one male and one female. Made sense, I would make sure there were no other rooms but it looked like I only had to worry about two.
    After hearing the steps of the man going downstairs reach the bottom floor, I nodded at Raylan. She and the girls started moaning, and wailing. The man outside told them to shut up, but they persisted. When he threatened to come in with the whip, it was hard for me to remain objective. That fucker would get what was coming to him; of that I would make sure. I nodded and Raylan to keep it up, then I went to pick up the rankest chamber pot in the room. When the man outside came in, you could tell that the smell from the buckets was closer to him than what he was used to. Once he was all the way in the door, I dropped the bucket on his head and had him on his knees

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