Find A Way Or Make One

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Book: Find A Way Or Make One by E. C. Kelley Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. C. Kelley
after one swift kick aimed at the backs of his knees. I quickly hit him on the head with the butt of my Glock.
    “Take those sheets and tie him up. I will get the boys and bring them over here to wait with you until I send Yasser up here to help you all leave. You will know it is him because he is dressed in Bedouin attire. Is there only one other room holding the boys, or are there more rooms and more people that need to be gotten out of here?” Raylan shook her head no, so I quickly left.
    There were about eight boys, ranging from five to twelve years of age, all appeared malnourished and terrified. I quickly rushed through the languages that I thought that they might know. I was lucky that they all seemed to understand Arabic so when I told them I was getting them out of here they seemed to be hesitantly hopeful. Once I got the boys in the room with Raylan and the other girls, I quickly and quietly made my way down the stairs. I could tell that the men were getting tired of dealing with Yasser. One even muttered in Albanian that he couldn’t wait to gut “this uppity bastard” like a fish. I decided it was time to make my presence known.
    I pulled my Bowie from my leg and released the safety on my Glock. Speaking in Albanian I calmly stated, “The only gutting that will be done here will be by me. Too bad that I will be gutting men like you with no balls.” The man roared in outrage and immediately went for his gun, but I managed to shoot his kneecap before he was able to reach it. I gave quick and precise directions to Yasser. “Go upstairs, second door on the right and get everyone in there out the back door. Meet me at the warehouse. I will have Nadeen. Go!” Nodding, Yasser quickly went raced up the stairs.
    I soon had my hands full with the dogs as Raylan called them. Their fighting styles could be summed up in one word; dirty. They would do anything to gain the upper hand. I was given no choice but to kill two of them, and I soon incapacitated the other three as well. I pulled my backpack off and got out the mask and the bombs. After I had put on the mask I released one bomb. I made my way to the through the bottom floor of the house. Soon I found came to a room with the door slightly ajar.
    As I cautiously walked in, I was immediately able to see a young woman, who I assumed was Nadeen, with a knife held to her neck by a big, dirty man with oily hair and empty black eyes.
    “So, her brother had to get the help of a woman to get his sister, did he? Weak, so weak. He doesn’t deserve to live. No bother, I will kill him after I kill you and his slut of a sister.” He threw Nadeen to the ground and came at me. I quickly shot him in the gut and went to go check on Nadeen . In my haste to get to Nadeen and get her out of there I didn’t check him for any other weapons. As I felt the knife lodge itself in my right shoulder, I didn’t really register the pain. I turned around and shot him between the eyes. Then I got to Nadeen who was huddled, sobbing in the floor. After I calmed her down, she and I made our way to the door.
    Once outside, we made our way to my Harley. Nadeen gasped as she saw the knife. When I told her to pull it straight out of my shoulder, she looked horrified. Up until that moment she had not said a word to me, but now her eyes filled with tears as she said, “But the pain, how will you be able to stand the pain?”
    I let out a low chuckle. “Oh Nadeen, I am no stranger to pain. In fact, we have a long standing relationship.” After assuring her I would be alright, she did as I asked. She held a rag to my shoulder until we got to the warehouse. Only after seeing her brother hug her, and making sure that the others were alive did I quietly fall to the ground in a dead faint.

    “You can never be what I want. At best, all you could ever be is a cheap imitation.”
    What the hell is going on? After I was unceremoniously booted from the club, I decided to wait around

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