The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE)

Free The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE) by Nelle L'Amour Page B

Book: The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE) by Nelle L'Amour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nelle L'Amour
Tags: Romance, Erotic
about sleeping with me.
    Maybe she had to use the bathroom? To my surprise, she got down on her knees and began to pray. My eyes never strayed from her as she mouthed words I couldn’t hear, kneeling before me with her hands folded on my bed, her eyes shut, and her head bowed. The moonlight lit up her alabaster body making her almost ethereal. It was the most moving and beautiful sight I’d ever seen, and I swear once again she almost brought me to tears.
    “Princess, do you do that every night?” I asked as she finished and rose to her feet.
    “Yes,” she said in a voice so soft it was almost a whisper.
    “What do you pray for?”
    A wistful smile spread on her sensuous lips and her eyes grew soulful. “So many things. I pray for my dear mama in heaven and I pray for a better a world. A kind world with peace and equality where no one hurts each other in any way.” She paused. “Do you believe in prayers?”
    I wasn’t sure since they didn’t save my mother. “Do you?”
    “Oh yes, I do.” She held me tenderly in her gaze. “Every day of my life I’ve prayed for someone like you to find me, sweep me off my feet, and take me to their castle. And you did.”
    Her words tugged at my heartstrings. I wasn’t what you’d call a spiritual person, but something about my Olive made me a deeper, better person. Most women I met were shallow gold diggers, but Olive was something else. There was depth to her soul and unparalleled goodness. She was like an angel. I was simply in awe of her and wondered if my dear mother had sent her to me from heaven. No matter what I was going through, I always felt she was watching over me. My eyes stayed riveted on Olive and I swear I could see a halo above her head and wings sprouting from her heart.
    “So now that I’ve found you, what are you going to pray for?”
    “I’m praying that you never leave me and that we live happily ever after.”
    I smiled at her. “My princess, I’m going to make your prayers come true.”
    Oh yes, I was. I’d never wanted anyone or anything more. Tomorrow, in the morning, I was going to go to my safety deposit box and give her what she deserved. I’d do it right now if I could. My mother’s wedding ring had collected dust waiting for the right girl to come along. I never thought she would until Olive magically appeared in my life. It was destiny.
    “Come, back into bed,” I said softly, motioning with my hand. “We have a big day ahead of us.” For the first time all evening, I thought about work. Tomorrow we’d be casting The Big O Girl for our upcoming commercial. My eyes on my Olive, I knew I’d personally found mine.
    In no time, we were under the covers, her body spooned in mine. I held her close to me, one arm draped over her supple breasts. I could feel her heart beat beneath my palm. How delicious she felt, the vanilla scent of her hair making me dizzy with lust. Though my cock stiffened, tonight, our first time together, cuddling her trumped fucking her. How much my life had changed in the course of twelve hours.
    “Goodnight, my princess.”
    “Goodnight, my king. Sweet dreams.”
    My mother used to say those two words to me at bedtime. I hadn’t heard them in eons. Ever since her passing, I didn’t fare well in the dream department. They were like abstract paintings I couldn’t decipher and, for the most part, couldn’t remember in the morning.
    Tonight would be different. I was sure. I had a lot to dream about. A future I looked forward to. All my worries about my business dissipated as thoughts of Olive filled my head. She had opened up to me emotionally and physically—spread her legs and shared her story. She had given me all of her. And I wanted to give her all of me. I was going to make her my queen.
    Just before sleep claimed me, I kissed her soft scalp once more and let her beautiful name roll off my tongue like a lullaby.
    “I love you, Olive Cumming.”
    “I love you too, Owen King.”

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