The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE)

Free The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE) by Nelle L'Amour

Book: The Big O (An OTT Insta-love STANDALONE) by Nelle L'Amour Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nelle L'Amour
Tags: Romance, Erotic
taking you where you belong. To your room.”
    “Oh,” I squeaked. This house surely had dozens of bedrooms. Any one of them would do. Even the servants’ quarters would likely be a major improvement over the hole-in-the-wall bedroom I was accustomed to. When we reached the second floor, he carried me down a long hallway until we came to a room at the very end. I had counted the bedrooms—ten on each side, making a total of twenty. I couldn’t wait to see more of the house.
    My eyes grew wide again as we entered the dimly lit room. Most likely a suite, it was enormous and, like the rest of the house, outfitted in magnificent antiques. A massive four-poster bed, draped in rich burgundy velvet, dominated the space. It was the kind of bed a king would sleep in, certainly not some ordinary girl like me.
    As we neared the bed, Owen gently set me down, and in a few heartbeats, I was naked in his arms, his mouth all over mine.
    “Olive, I’ve got to have you. I’ve waited all day to make love to you in my bed.”
    His bed?
    “I want to own you, cherish you, treasure you, and possess you.”
    My arousal at his words was making me lightheaded. My blood heated as my heart fluttered. And then my knees grew weak as I watched him feverishly disrobe, starting with his jacket, tie, and shirt, and then moving on to his well-tailored pants. For the third time tonight, I gasped. Standing before me was the most gorgeous specimen of mankind I’d ever seen. A masterpiece of virile perfection. My unblinking eyes roamed down his body, soaking in his broad, square shoulders, his long, sculpted arms that were laced with a layer of fine dark hair, a matching pair of long, powerful legs, and connecting them, a chiseled torso ripped with a six-pack and a perfect pelvic V that traveled down to his massive cock. Mesmerized, I could have stared at him for the rest of my life, but he wasn’t giving me the chance. On my next breath, I was in his arms again and before I could take another, I was flat on my back in his bed with his god-like body caging me in with its weight.
    He let out a loud savage growl as if he was claiming me and declaring himself the king of the jungle. I could smell his manliness as his body heated and his breath warmed my face. My Donut King was one sexy beast. His eyes smoldered with lust and desire, and as he gazed into mine, his voice softened.
    “I want you to put my cock inside you, my precious princess,” he breathed into my mouth. “I need to feel your hands around it.”
    My heart thudding, I did as he asked, wrapping my fingers around the wide base and then putting it to my entrance. As I gripped it, he shoved it in slowly, inch by glorious inch, until he’d taken me to the hilt. I arched my back and let out a moan.
    “Jesus, Olive. You feel so fucking good. So hot, so wet. But before I make you fall apart, tell me what does it feel like for you?”
    Oh, God. I had to find words when all I wanted was for him to pummel me to pieces.
    This was hard, no pun intended. Because there were no words to describe him. His fullness was like nothing I’d ever felt before—well, with exception of having him inside me earlier today. I searched my mind as my muscles clenched around his thick, pulsing length. I could feel every inch of his hardness in my tight little pussy.
    “Jesus Christ,” he hissed as I clenched him harder.
    Only one word came to me: complete. “Oh, Owen, you make me feel whole. You fill not only my body, but also a void, both emotionally and physically.”
    “Oh, baby.” Reverently, he kissed my breasts, sucking one nipple after the other. The touch of his soft lips on the sensitive tips, which hardened in his mouth, sent a rush of insane pleasure from my head to my feet. My toes curled at the sensation.
    “Olive, you and you alone make me feel alive. Let me show you how much you mean to me, my sweet princess.”
    With fire in his eyes, he slid his giant cock down my pussy, and as I

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