Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season

Free Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season by Renna Peak

Book: Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season by Renna Peak Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renna Peak
calling and gloating?
    I turned on my personal phone as soon as it had enough of a charge, leaving it plugged into the wall. Maybe she would have called, left a message. I glanced up at the clock; it was after nine. She probably wouldn’t be up, but I needed to hear her voice. I needed to apologize for how I had treated her Friday morning, telling her she couldn’t have that job. I had been a total dick and she deserved to know why. I vaguely remembered calling her after I had been stabbed, but I only remembered telling her I loved her. I couldn’t remember what she had said or what we had talked about. Maybe I apologized to her then. Everything that had happened after that knife ripped through my gut was kind of a blur. I looked at the call history—two calls made on Friday afternoon. That made sense. I called Robin to come get my bleeding ass out of there, then I called Jen to tell her I loved her, because I had been sure I was going to die. Had I told her that?
    It didn’t matter. I pressed her number to call her and waited for her to pick up, praying she hadn’t turned her phone off before she went to bed.
    “Brandon. I didn’t expect to hear from you again.”
    I looked down at the phone. It was her number, but it wasn’t her voice. I put the phone back to my ear. “Daniel?”
    “Jenna can’t talk right now. She, uh…” He paused. “We’re a little busy.”
    My hand shook and I almost dropped the phone. “Put her on the phone, asshole. Prove she’s there, that she’s okay.” A cold chill went down my spine.
    “She’s fine. She’s just a little tired. She hasn’t had a real man in so long…”
    My muscles tightened. “You motherfucker, put her on.”
    “I told you, she’s totally passed out. I think I wore her out.”
    I balled my hand into a fist, pounding it into the mattress. “Fuck you, Daniel. Just put her on the phone so she can tell me to go to hell. Then I’ll leave you two lovebirds to fuck yourselves silly.”
    He let out a long sigh. “I don’t think you understand, douche bag. I won the war. You might have won a few battles, but I won the war . Do you understand what I’m saying?”
    My jaw clenched. “Put her on.”
    “You don’t have any cards left to play. She was your last one, and I have her. She’s my card now, and I have every intention of playing it. Do you understand what I’m saying, asshole?”
    I felt my heart race in my chest, my heartbeat thudding in my ears. “Put. Her. On.”
    “I’m trading her in. We’re on our way there now. The unfortunate thing for you, for both of you, really, is there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it.”
    My lips flattened and I punched the bed again. “Put her on the phone, damn it.”
    He let out another sigh. “Fine.” I heard some shuffling. “Jenna, baby, wake up. Wake up. Jenna, wake the hell up.” I heard her let out a little moan. “Damn it, Jenna, wake up. Brandon wants to tell you about his wedding.” She whimpered a few times and I heard more shuffling. “I told you, I wore her out.”
    My side began to burn, and I gripped it tightly, trying to hold back the pain that was coming from the tension building up in my body. “Don’t take her there. You know what’s going to happen if you do. We can talk about this. I can help you get what you want.” I held back the groan of pain that almost left my lips.
    He laughed into the phone. “That’s what you said last time, and all I ended up with was you fucking my fiancée. Neither one of you are worth a damned thing to me. She’s worth way more to him than she is to me.”
    I shook my head; my vision was starting to cloud from the pain. “You’re wrong. You won’t get what you want and she’ll end up dead. Or worse.”
    “What, like you? Gutted like a fish? I don’t see that happening. He’ll use her until he’s done with her, and if you’re lucky, maybe you’ll get her back. Of course, she won’t be the same when he’s done with

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