Scarlet Kisses

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Book: Scarlet Kisses by Tish Westwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tish Westwood
size is Alyssum?”
    Jackson grunted as he was hit from the side. He landed on the tavern floor with a thud and Harry got two good punches in before he was pulled away.
    Jackson laughed and wiped the blood from his mouth. He sat up and found Robert and Tucker still sitting at the table. It was Duke holding Harry back.
    “Good to see you again, Harry,” Duke said as he held Harry’s arm in case he went for Jackson again.
    “You too, Duke.”
    “Keeping the boys in line I see.” Duke smiled.
    Alyssum stared at her closed bedroom door then looked back to the mirror before her.
    Dressed in the scarlet gown, she ran her hands over the silk. With her long hair unbound, black curls ran down her back and over her chest. Closing her eyes, she felt herself back on the balcony and back in Robert’s arms. She sighed and opened her eyes.
    What was she thinking? You don’t want Robert , she told herself sternly. Then why did she feel like crying at the thought of never kissing him again?
    When a loud knock came to her door, she gasped and spun around, looking for an escape.
    “Alyssum?” Harry called.
    “Just a minute,” she called back as she pulled the gown from her body. Running over to her bed, she shoved the dress beneath it and grabbed her robe. As she walked to the door, she tied the robe tightly around her, hiding the fact that she was naked beneath it.
    “Yes?” she asked Harry, slightly out of breath as she opened the door.
    “Can I speak to you for a moment?”
    “Ah,” She looked behind her. Seeing her room was clear of evidence linking her with Scarlet, she opened the door wide and waved him in. “What would you like to speak to me about?” She turned and faced him. She frowned as Harry looked to be lost for words.
    “What’s wrong? Is Robert—?”
    “He’s fine,” he waved her worry away. “Much better.”
    “Good,” She nodded and became poised again.
    “I wish to speak to you about Lady Brook’s masquerade.”
    He knows. “Really? Why?” She fought to act calm.
    “Mother told me you only attended for a few minutes and then left with a headache.”
    “So you never saw this Scarlet woman?”
    Stay calm. “No. It was very crowded I could hardly find anyone in the crowd.”
    “You didn’t see Lilly?”
    Lilly. Perfect. “Actually I did,” she said. “I spoke to her for moment before I left.”
    “Ah.” Harry nodded. “So she saw you, wearing…?”
    “A blue gown. Why are you asking me these questions?” she demanded.
    Harry shook his head. “No reason. I just missed the most popular event of the year and wanted to know what happened that night.”
    Alyssum nodded. “If that’s all?” she said after a moments silence.
    “Yes.” Harry stepped past, heading for the door. “Sleep well,” he said before leaving the room and closing the door. Alyssum frowned after him and then turned her gaze to under her bed. She gave herself a mental note to visit Lilly tomorrow. She needed her friend to do a huge favor for her.
    As Harry stood outside Alyssum’s bedroom door, he felt something wasn’t right. He and the others had gone over the list bit by bit and had eliminated most of the ladies. There were now only five ladies on the list. One of them was Scarlet. But what unsettled him was that Alyssum was on that list too. With a sigh Harry stepped away from Alyssum’s door and walked towards his own bedroom.
    “I’m here to see Lilly.” Alyssum smiled at the Darrel’s butler.
    “Come in, my lady. I will go inform Miss Darrel that you are here.”
    “Thank you.” Alyssum walked past him and straight over to the parlor, not bothering to be escorted. She had visited often enough that she felt she didn’t need to live by the laws of society.
    Sitting down on the white settee, she folded her hands in her pink gown and waited. Lilly walked in a moment later. Her black hair was bound, her white dress straight, not a wrinkle in place. Lilly and her parents had

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