Scarlet Kisses

Free Scarlet Kisses by Tish Westwood

Book: Scarlet Kisses by Tish Westwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tish Westwood
    “What’s this?” Tucker asked about the parchment as Jackson sat next to Harry.
    Jackson answered while looking across the table at Robert. “It’s the list of people who attended Lady Brook’s masquerade.”
    “You actually got it?” Harry asked, clearly surprised.
    “You doubted me?” Jackson placed a hand over his heart and looked hurt.
    Tucker laughed and picked up the parchment. He unfolded it and lay it in the middle of the table. “That’s a lot of names.”
    Jackson whistled and Harry, Robert and Tucker looked up at him. They watched as he waved over the dark-haired barmaid.
    “What can I do for you, gents?” she asked eagerly and looked at Jackson.
    “We need ink and a quill,” he said.
    She deflated but went and got what they needed.
    “You broke her heart.” Tucker shook his head at Jackson. “Getting that lovely girl’s hopes up.”
    “Let’s focus on the list.”
    Jackson looked up as the dark-haired barmaid came back and set the quill and ink down with a thud. She darted him a glare then strode away, obviously angry at his indifference in seeing her again.
    When Jackson looked back down, Robert had already crossed all the men’s names off the list.
    “Are you sure?” Jackson asked with a grin.
    Harry and Tucker laughed as Robert glared at him.
    “I’m sure,” he replied. “I had her body against mine, she’s female.”
    “Just checking,” Jackson replied with an amused smile.
    “Back to the list,” Harry said, drawing their attention to the parchment and not each other’s throats. Even though they were great friends, Robert and Jackson had gotten into a few brawls. It was how they had met. They had wanted the same barmaid. After the bloody brawl ended they had gotten to their feet, shaken hands and decided to get a drink. They had forgotten all about the barmaid.
    Robert crossed off all the married women.
    “Are you sure?” Harry asked with a frown.
    “Scarlet’s an innocent,” Robert replied.
    Harry nodded then watched Robert cross off the matrons. They all sat back once the list was narrowed down.
    “Now what?” Tucker asked.
    “Now it gets a little trickier,” Harry answered.
    “No, it won’t,” Robert said. “I know her body, her feel, her kiss. I’ll find her.” A smile then curved his lips and his heart leaped in excitement at finding Scarlet.
    “Lady Jocelyn Williams,” Harry read from the list.
    “She’s blonde,” Tucker said.
    Robert put the quill to her name and slashed over it.
    “ LadyPamelaCarrington,” Tucker read from the list, his voice drawling with his boredom. They had been doing this for the past half hour.
    Robert tilted his head as he contemplated. “I don’tthink I remember her.”
    “So it may be her,” Jackson said, rushing him. He was just as bored as Tucker.
    “ She does have black hair,” Harry said as he leaned his cheek on his fist.
    Robert nodded and then continued down the list. He smiled then read, “Lady Violet Rosewood.”
    The men perked up at the familiar name.
    “No,” Harry said firmly.
    “Now wait a minute,” Jackson said with a grin. “Could she be Scarlet?”
    “No,” Harry repeated.
    Robert laughed. “Don’t worry, it’s not her. Violet has brown hair.” He slashed her name off the list. His pen then stopped and hovered over another familiar name.
    “Alyssum.” He stared at her name neatly written on the page.
    “Now it’s getting interesting.” Jackson leaned back in.
    “Once again—” Harry glared at Jackson, “—no.”
    “She does have black hair,” Tucker said. “She’s very beautiful.”
    “Tread carefully.” Harry pointed to him in warning.
    Jackson grinned. “What do you say, Robert?”
    Robert looked up from the list. He slowly shook his head. “No.” He forced a laugh.
    “You say you felt her body,” Jackson said. “Felt her kiss.”
    Robert gave him the same glare Harry was giving him.
    “Come on, you told me Scarlet was a handful.” He winked. “What

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