
Free VelvetValentines by VJ and Sierra Summers

Book: VelvetValentines by VJ and Sierra Summers Read Free Book Online
Authors: VJ and Sierra Summers
life, Derek knew that someone
held a real power over him. The power to satisfy him, the power to please him
and the power to break him in two.
    A surrender like hers was a gift to cherish, a gift far
beyond anything he deserved or had dared to hope for. In return, Derek knew
he’d spend the rest of his life making her every dream come true.
    She swayed a little in those fuck-me boots, and he scooped
her into his arms with a soft smile. While it was true that the third floor had
mostly cleared out, he knew that the public portion of their evening had come
to an end. What was left between them for tonight was private.
    He carried her easily into his private room, glancing
briefly around at the furnishings he’d chosen so long ago. He’d been right in a
way, he realized. When he’d met Elise, his life as Master Derek had been
permanently altered. The Master Derek before Elise had never really understood
the power of seeing the woman he loved glowing, incandescent from his control
over her. D/s would never be a mere means to sexual release for him again. Not
now that he’d had it rock him to the foundations of his very soul.
    He laid Elise gently on the bed, then unbuttoned his pants
and dropped them to pool on the floor. He was crazed to have her, to feel her
wrapping around him and pulling him so deep that they couldn’t tell where she
ended and he began. He pulled his dick out of his boxers and jerked loose the
cock ring with one rough motion. Derek gave a short, vicious oath at the pull,
but he was glad he’d thought to use the thing. It was all that had kept him
from shooting off more than once at the sight of Elise, bound and writhing in
ecstasy. Finally freed, he dropped to his knees between her legs. He grabbed
each of her thighs to open and lift her, and thrust balls-deep in one smooth
motion. Her cry filled the room and her instant orgasm tightened her around his
    He waited for her to calm, then moved closer to her,
allowing his hands to move from her thighs to her ass. He dug his fingers
deeply into her cheeks and moved slowly inside her. Every thrust took him
deeper, wrapped him in her luscious juices. Neither of them spoke. No words
were necessary. Instead, their lips touched, stroked and licked each other in
time with his thrusts. She gasped and began contracting tightly around him as
another powerful orgasm took her. He could no longer hold back, and as she let
go he pounded into her in a furious pace, branding her body with his.
    He opened her mouth even farther with his tongue and she
swallowed his cries as he shot deep within her. He lost track of time as he
came over and over again. He’d never come so hard or for so long. When it was
finally over, he dropped bonelessly onto her, too wrecked for a moment to
remember that she might need to breathe. When he did remember, he raised his
head and rasped her name. She blinked up at him with eyes that could barely
stay open. Derek forced himself to roll to the side, then pulled her across his
chest like a silky blanket. She murmured happily and cuddled in, already mostly
    A deep contentment filled him. He’d thought that to have
Elise, he’d have to give up a big part of who he was. He’d been so very wrong.
Elise had given him back his life as a Dom, and she’d given him so much more,
besides. She held the key to his happiness, and he gladly gave it over to her

Chapter Six
    Elise stroked her hand slowly across Derek’s bare chest. Her
skin glowed pale-ivory in the weak sunlight filtering in through his bedroom
blinds. He held her close to him in his large king-sized bed, unwilling to let
even an inch separate them. After the Bacchanal he’d brought her back here, to
his home. He’d stripped her and bathed her gently, with a reverence he’d never
known he possessed. She’d been asleep almost before her head hit the pillow,
and he’d held her for hours.
    “I don’t think I will be able to move for a week.” Her

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