Never Turn Away (Kellington Book Six)

Free Never Turn Away (Kellington Book Six) by Maureen Driscoll

Book: Never Turn Away (Kellington Book Six) by Maureen Driscoll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Driscoll
most interested to
learn what my thoughts are.”
    He grinned.  “Pardon my presumption, but I believe
you might think it would be more convenient to discuss your situation if I am available
any time you need me.”
    She wasn’t sure that was what she meant at all,
because having immediate access to Joseph any time of day or night conjured up
thoughts she knew she was not supposed to have.  She was blushing again.  And
she hadn’t recovered from the other blushes.  She suspected her face was
beginning to resemble an apple.
    “Thank you, Inspector, for your assistance in
sorting this out.  And you are, of course, most welcome to stay.”
    Thompson entered and set the tea tray on the table.
    Joseph continued.  “My only concern, my lady, is
that my presence in this house could be scandalous, given that you do not live
with a chaperone.  The last thing I want to do is create more problems for you,
especially since you are in search of a husband.”
    To Evelyn’s surprise, Thompson spoke up.
    “It will not be a problem, sir.  Lady Evelyn has
lived without a chaperone since the passing of the earl.  But it is well known
that my good wife and I keep a close eye on her ladyship.  We would not dream
of allowing her to come to harm.  In any way.  From anyone.”  Here the butler
straightened to his full height.  He was still a good three inches short of
Joseph, but the point was made.
    Evelyn was surprised that Thompson was being so
welcoming in allowing Joseph to stay at all.  He and his wife had been with her
family since she was a young girl.  They were very protective of her.  Whether
the Inspector realized it or not, he’d just received a vote of confidence from
the two long-time servants.  Though she also suspected Thompson would not
hesitate to plant Joseph a facer if needed.
    “Thank you, Thompson,” said Evelyn.  “That will be
    With a bow to Evelyn, and a warning look to Joseph,
he departed.
    “I am not sure your butler is at all pleased I am
staying here.”
    “On the contrary, he would not have allowed you to
stay if he were truly against it.”
    “Do you often allow your servants to dictate to
    “Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have known me just about all
my life.  They have offered comfort and guidance through the years and I
respect them very much.”
    Joseph took a sip of tea.  “You have an unusual
world view, my lady.  Few people in your class would ever think to take advice
from servants.”
    “There are fools everywhere, Inspector.  Or have you
not noticed?”
    “I would not be very good at my job if I had let
that observation slip my notice.”
    “I imagine you are very good at your job.”
    “What makes you think that?”
    “For one thing, his grace sent you.  I do not think
he would have done that if he did not have complete confidence in you.  But I
think even if we had just met, I would be able to tell what kind of man you are
professionally and personally.  Better, I might add, than you were able to
judge me on first acquaintance.” 
    Joseph tried to keep his lips in a straight line,
failing just the slightest in the attempt.  “In my limited defense, I would
like to point out that I never misjudged your character.  I believed you to be
a charming, witty, kind young woman who cared a great deal too much about the
well-being of sheep.”
    “In truth, you believed I was a young man.”  She
laughed outright.
    “I admit I did get the gender wrong at first.  Though
I must tell you that I am now very much aware that you are a woman.”
    Just like that, the room seemed much smaller.  And
warmer.  The air seemed to have become thinner because Evelyn felt almost
light-headed.  She had no idea what to say.  She was unaware of anything but
Joseph’s dark brown eyes and how she could not look away from them.
    The moment was finally broken by Thompson, who must
have entered the room again, though she certainly hadn’t noticed.  “My lady,
Cook wishes

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