her eyes and continued, “Well, I guess I’d better go. I need to get ready for tomorrow so I’ll see you at work. Thanks for listening.”
Missy hung up the phone and shook her head. After a few minutes, she picked up the phone again and called Andy. “Hey, Andy, mind if I swing by your place?”
“Sure, that’d be great. I was just thinking about you, actually. I’ll order pizza.”
He sounded pleased to hear from her.
“Okay, I’ll be there soon. No anchovies.”
“ Got it, oh, have you talked to Jess today?” he asked before they hung up.
“Yes, have you talked to Cody?” she asked warily.
“Yes, it’s worse than we thought. We’ll talk when you get here.”
“Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I change.” She hung up , slipped on a pair of loafers, ran a brush through her hair, and grabbed her purse and keys before running out the door. She was excited to see Andy. In a way she hated it she was transferring. Their relationship might have developed into something given more time.
She drove to the duplex and rang the doorbell. He answered with a smile. “How’s my girl?” He gave her a hug and ushered her into the living room.
“Your girl is worried.”
Unbeknownst to Jessica, Missy had told Andy the secret weeks ago. He had agreed not to tell Cody.
“It’s up to Jessica to do that,” he’d said.
Like Missy, he’d worried about the reaction Cody would have after all this time. “I understand why you wouldn’t want to tell two guys you just met you were Army officers,” he’d said when she’d told him. “But Jess needs to tell Cody now. He’s in way over his head and I’m not so sure she isn’t. How long before she gets her orders?”
“Soon, I’m sure. She’s up for a promotion to Lt. Colonel, you know.”
“Whew…even more reason for her to come clean with him.”
Now today, after the big homecoming, it was even more evident to Missy and Andy their friends were heading for disaster.
He handed her a Smirnoff Ice. He kept them on hand these days, knowing she liked them.
“So what’s the scoop with Jess?” he began as they sat on the couch.
“ She’s in so over her head. She pretty much admitted her feelings go way beyond a casual affair now. She’s worried to death about his reaction when she tells him the truth.”
“And she should be. I can’t believe she’s let it get this far without telling him.” Andy looked at Missy. “I’m glad you told me the truth and we aren’t even involved.” He reached over and patted her hand.
“I kept telling her to tell him. She just kept putting it off, thinking she’d be with him as long as she could before her transfer orders came through. I don’t think she ever gave a thought to actually falling in love with him. She was coming out of a ba d relationship when she met him, much like you were. Her boyfriend had cheated on her one too many times and she’d ended it. That’s why when she met Cody she only planned on it being a short term casual affair, almost like a rebound thing. She never dreamed it would ever be more.”
“How soon will her orders come through, do you think?”
“She’s not been here as long as I have, so she has time. Sometimes a transfer gets delayed for one reason or another.”
“Will she go to Iraq?” he asked.
“She and I have both done a tour, so probably not,” Missy replied softly.
“You never told me.” He put his arm around her. “ You’re so amazing, Missy.”
“It’s not something I like to talk about. But that’s where we were before we came to Fort Sill.” Missy laid her head on his shoulder. It felt like such a natural thing to do.
“Cody stopped by here today. He’s in over his head as well, I’m afraid. I’ve never seen him so wrapped up in a girl before.”
“It’s sad really. And who knows, maybe he loves her enough it won’t matter when she tells him she’s an officer and not just a civilian worker on post. Maybe it won’t even be a