area of responsibility and gives that authority and control over to someone else for any reason is opening the door for the Ahab spirit.
"The open door for the Jezebel spirit is usually rejection, woundedness, insecurity, bitterness and resentment. When a person, woman or man, has experienced these things, fear, pride and the desire to control is like an open invitation to Jezebel who is all about pride and control.
"Behind its false front of enticing charm, Jezebel is really all about hatred, rebellion and control. It hates authority, and because God placed man in authority over women and because men are usually the authority figures, it hates most men and will undermine them as it tries to gain control over them."
Nicole interrupted. "It sounds like Jezebel may be the power behind the homosexual agenda."
"I think you're right." Casie continued, "It hates God, and it hates godly relationships. Jezebel uses seduction or perverted enticement of any kind that will pull others into its sphere of influence and build ungodly soul ties.
"It will do anything to achieve its goal of gaining control and obedience to its will. It hates God's people who are functioning in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. It even hates its victim. And it hates to be told 'No.'"
Nicole said, "It seems like people who are under the control of this spirit have trouble believing that they are under demonic influence, and when I mention Jezebel, they usually tell me that they are not sexual seducers and are not operating in sexual sin. They don't see the problem.”
"We do tend to think of sexual seduction as its trademark," Casie said. "However, even though the victims may not acknowledge sexual sin, in my experience, most have either engaged in some type of ungodly sex at some point in their life, or were sexually abused.
"Jezebel's nature is that of a warrior and sexual seduction is only a part of its web. Sexual desire has the strongest fleshly pull on most people, which is why this spirit uses it so much. However, Jezebel has a host of demons working under it who use many tools of manipulation such as flattery, sensuality, anger, rage, confusion, chaos, self-pity as is 'poor me', religious rules and legalism, false words of prophecy such as 'God said….,' and the misuse of scripture.
"It dominates through fear, intimidation, blackmail, criticism, deception, accusations; it will even turn and attack either its victim or another who opposes it. And it will do all of this without remorse for its actions or regard for its effects on others."
Nicole took a deep breath. "Uh-oh. I've operated in some of these things at different times."
"We all do at times, yes," Casie confirmed. "But the question is, did the Holy Spirit convict you of this?"
"Oh boy, big time!"
"And you repented?"
"Yes, as soon as I realized it."
"Well," Casie said, "that shows that the Jezebel spirit wasn't able to stay attached. It hates humility and repentance and will only attach to those who refuse to see their sin and to repent, because these things as well as intercessory prayer, tear down its strongholds of stubbornness and pride. It knows that those who are in submission to God and to proper authority, are elevated to a position of authority over the spirit, giving them the power to destroy it and its mission."
"I believe what you are saying. In looking back at my life, I can see how I was under the influence of Jezebel in my marriage. I didn't trust Jake to make the right decisions, and so I would try to manipulate him into doing what I wanted. Thank God that he didn't usually fall for it! Of course, I didn't understand at the time what was behind my desire for control. You said something about Jezebel's mission?"
Casie answered, "Its mission is to stop the work of intercessors, prophets, and spiritual warfare; to destroy God's true ministers and His ministry; to put an end to anyone who is submitted to God