In Search of the Dove

Free In Search of the Dove by REBECCA YORK

Book: In Search of the Dove by REBECCA YORK Read Free Book Online
Tags: Suspense
hadn’t been any emotional involvement on his part. But the sight of her made something inside his chest contract. She was wearing a simple amber cotton shift and sandals. With her curly hair still wet from the shower and no makeup, she looked like a teenager. He could see that she was struggling to keep her features neutral, yet it was impossible to completely hide the embarrassment she felt.
    “How are you doing this morning?” he finally asked, his voice very gentle.
    “I feel as if I’ve been run over by a Mack truck.”
    He laughed, grateful for the touch of humor. Then he sobered again. “How much do you remember about what happened last night?”
    Her cheeks flamed and she looked away. “Too much.”
    “You don’t take drugs, do you?”
    “That’s one reason it hit you so hard. And they must have given you a huge dose.”
    She shuddered.
    “How about some café au lait?”
    “Thanks.” She watched as he got up and made the half milk—half coffee concoction with the practiced ease of a man who was used to taking care of himself. When he returned to the table, she had pulled out the chair opposite his.
    “What can you tell me about the drug’s effects, besides...?” He didn’t have to finish the sentence.
    “At first I couldn’t move. Then I felt as if I was flying.”
    “You said that in the car.”
    She nodded.
    “Did it affect your senses?”
    Her eyes widened. “Yes! They were mixed up and very intense. I could feel things that I usually only see, taste things that should have been aromas.”
    “Like what?”
    She looked down into her coffee. “The scent of your body is like a deep pine forest. I could taste it,” she mumbled and then paused. “Please don’t make me talk about it anymore.”
    He took a sip from his mug. Her words brought back memories of the way her skin had felt under his fingers—like warm silk. And the way her body had moved restlessly against his. Damn! This was a hell of a morning after. He wanted to reach across the table and cover her hand with his. Not knowing whether she’d welcome the contact, he decided not to take the chance. Besides, he reminded himself, he had no intention of getting emotionally entangled with this woman. They both needed to distance themselves from the intimacy that had been thrust upon them. He had better stick to business.
    “Jessica, this is difficult for me too, believe it or not. But I need information.”
    “Who are you, Michael Rome?”
    “I’m a drug enforcement agent.” There was no need to tell her what else he was.
    “So you were just doing your job last night?”
    “It was more than that.” Suddenly, despite his recent resolve to be strictly objective, he needed to bridge the gap between them. He pressed his fingers over hers. She flinched but didn’t pull away.
    “Michael.” Her voice was very low. “I have to ask you a question.”
    He waited.
    “Am I addicted to Dove? Am I going to go crazy the way my brother did?”
    He squeezed her hand reassuringly. “You’re going to be all right. It takes more than one dose to cause addiction.”
    She let out the breath she’d been holding. “Are you sure?”
    “Yes. Listen, Jessica, how did you get mixed up with those guys?”
    “I was trying to help Aubrey. You heard about what happened to him. The doctor told me it might help if he knew what he’d taken.”
    “But you knew it was Dove. You said so on the campus.”
    “I didn’t know Dove was a drug. I didn’t know what it was.”
    “Where did you hear the name? From him?”
    She looked down again. “From you.”
    “Come on, I didn’t let that slip.”
    “You didn’t need to. I got the image from your mind.”
    “Do you expect me to believe that?”
    “It’s the truth. Sometimes I can do that.”
    He let out a curse. “After last night, I thought you might be willing to level with me this morning.”
    “Is that why you were so accommodating?”
    He ran an exasperated hand through his

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