The Billionaire's Christmas (A Sinclair Novella)

Free The Billionaire's Christmas (A Sinclair Novella) by J. S. Scott

Book: The Billionaire's Christmas (A Sinclair Novella) by J. S. Scott Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. S. Scott
    Her decision made, she pushed him toward the master bath that she had seen as they entered the bedroom. His face flashed a moment of surprise and great deal of longing as he moved obediently.
    Once in the bathroom, she lowered the zipper down on his jeans, unable to keep from noticing that she had to work around a very large and hard appendage as she started pulling them down and off his hips, taking a pair of silky boxers along with the pants. “You’re going to let me do all the work. You stand there and let me help you,” she demanded as she motioned for him to step out of his pants now that they were down to his knees.
    Before she could think about it and change her mind, she whipped her sweatshirt over her head and let it fall to the floor. Her jeans followed, leaving her feeling completely exposed in only a skimpy bra and panties. After seeing his body, she tried not to fidget with discomfort as she felt his gaze on her. She was body conscious and not particularly fond of parading around almost nude. But right now, her insecurities weren’t as important as Grady.
    The shower was fancy, and she had to fiddle with the various controls to get the settings correct, but she managed. Holding open the door of the enclosure, she motioned to a naked Grady. “Get in.” His wound was already covered in a protective waterproof bandage, but she’d have to be careful.
    He didn’t move, his eyes roaming over her body and filled with desire. “God, you’re so beautiful it hurts to look at you.”
    Emily reached up, pulled the clip from her hair, and let the locks fall haphazardly to her shoulders.
    She heard Grady groan, and she knew it wasn’t from pain. He really did find her attractive and nearly irresistible. Feminine power surged through her body, her insecurities falling away as she looked at his fierce eyes caressing her body like she was the only woman alive. And, God, it was intoxicating.
    “Get in the shower, Grady,” she told him forcefully, knowing she needed a moment to get her thoughts together. “I have to take out my contacts.”
    It was the break she needed. She dashed down the staircase in her underwear and grabbed her suitcase, bringing it back upstairs with her so she could get her lens case. Her hands shook as she removed her lenses and placed them in the plastic container, taking deep breaths and trying to remind herself that she was taking care of Grady. He needed her right now.
    Stepping back into a bathroom that was now foggy with steam, she heard a groan from the shower and yanked the door open. “I told you not to move,” she scolded, completely forgetting anything else except her need to keep Grady from hurting himself. She snatched the soapy sponge from his hand and dropped it to the shower floor. Reaching for his masculine-smelling soap, she lathered her hands and started stroking his body with long, languid motions, starting with his back, massaging the tense muscles as she worked.
    Every inch of Grady’s body was solid muscle, and as she moved down to his ass, she could feel the incredibly toned glutes that she’d only admired from afar and covered by denim. They were so much hotter and so very real beneath her fingertips, flexing as she smoothed the soap over them.
    Get him clean and into bed.
    Finishing the back of his body, she washed his hair, pushing his head forward to rinse. “Turn,” she instructed quietly.
    He turned compliantly, and she started on his front, nearly moaning as she stroked over the sculpted muscles of his chest.
    “Strip,” Grady said huskily. “I want you naked right now. If I can’t fuck you, I at least want to see you.”
    “I’m washing you. I don’t need to finish undressing—”
    “Take it all off or I’ll do it,” he warned dangerously.
    Emily knew he’d do it, and he’d hurt himself. Really, did it matter? She was nearly naked anyway.
    She set the soap on the ledge and unhooked the front catch of her bra, pulling the soaked garment

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