The Texas Millionaire's Runaway Wife

Free The Texas Millionaire's Runaway Wife by Mary Malcolm

Book: The Texas Millionaire's Runaway Wife by Mary Malcolm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Malcolm
Tags: Contemporary
as if it would work. Especially after she burned him last night. “Stephen, I can’t just abandon ship like that. I have to be professional about this. Do you really want word to get out that Stephen Sands’ wife didn’t finish out her obligations? All the weddings I have scheduled, all the catering events. I’ve got standing orders...I think that would go over worse than my working. Plus, if I quit these jobs mid-steam, I won’t have a leg to stand on once we get divorced.”
    Completely ignoring her plea, he said, “Speaking of which, I will also send my attorney over today to sign a post-nuptial agreement. This is non-negotiable, so please be available when he arrives. I’ll fill out my part at the office. He should be here around three o’clock. Be ready.”
    Teeth gritted, Cassie tried to remember this was for Annie. Still, if she’d known she would be losing the bakery either way, she’d have rather lost it on her terms than his. It only helped a little to remember that even then the money might not have been enough. She needed his pull. If she kept reminding herself this would save Annie, perhaps she could put up with anything Stephen threw her way. “Is there anything else you want for today?”
    Besides, she didn’t have to close the bakery, just treat her absence as a vacation. Make sure the jobs got done by other means. Graciella had been working with her for almost as long as she’d been open anyway. And she was a good friend; Cassie could trust her.
    “I would like you to move your things back into my room.”
    She moved to speak.
    “But,” he interrupted, “since I know that won’t be happening, I’d like for you to at least make an effort to look as if you’ve moved in. Abigail would never question me, but I have other staff who come by daily. Some not as loyal, I suspect. So please at least make an effort to seem as if you live here.”
    She nodded. For Annie, whom, she suspected, would be waking up pretty soon. She’d wanted to tell Liz everything at her house, but it all went so horribly. And Liz was already so stressed with Annie it didn’t seem fair. So Cassie kept it to herself. Still, she needed to tell her something before the announcement of their marriage came out in the paper.
    Stephen stood and walked to the dining room entrance. “Cassie, this doesn’t have to be a horrible arrangement. We got along, once. We can surely treat each other as adults and get along now. Don’t you agree?”
    She nodded. Not that she agreed, but it seemed pointless to argue. She followed him out of the dining room and watched as he pulled his suit jacket on for the day. He seemed taller. Or perhaps Cassie just imagined him as such. She loved the lines around the corners of his eyes. He may not smile much that she saw, but he’d earned those lines at some point.
    Maybe she should give in. Maybe she should just accept that this reality—as bizarre as it was—would be hers for as long as it took. And if she’d just accept it, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad.
    He picked up his briefcase and adjusted the sleeve on his jacket. “Well?” he asked.
    He stood by the door. The kiss. Damn, how had she forgotten about the front door kiss? She’d even anticipated this. She looked around. “I don’t see Abigail anywhere, so well what?”
    He took a step toward her. Leaning in close, he said, “Just because you don’t see anyone around, doesn’t mean they aren’t there.”
    Their lips touched. Lightly, this time. Brief. He stepped away.
    Somehow the brevity shook Cassie more then their passionate kisses from the day before.
    “Have a good day, Cassandra.” With that, he was gone.
    And Cassie found herself rubbing the tips of her fingers across her lips. They wanted more. They seemed to have swollen in anticipation of more. That light, feathery brush kiss was not enough.
    Damn, Stephen Sands! Why did he have to be so infuriating?
    Pursing her irritated lips, she turned on a heel and

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